Birth, Growth, and Reproduction Flashcards
Amniotic egg
eggs with encapsulating membranes that are water tight
Describe some important characteristics amniotic eggs have to support baby development.
- watertight, allowing them to survive in terrestrial enviroments
- membranes are adapted to form toug, lethery, hard shells making them more durable and less vulnerable to small predators
- they have lots of little holes allowing for gas exchange (let O2 in and CO2 out)
What groups of animals are amniotes?
Mammals, birds, dinosaurs, and reptiles
Why are dino eggs not very large compared to their body size?
As SA and V are increasing, V increases at a faster rate. There is a maximum size an egg can be due to the need for gas exchange (to high of a V would make the rate of gas exchange to slow and the baby would suffacate in the egg due to high amounts of CO2)
Lines of Arrested Growth (LAG)
rings formed by the addition of osteons during growth. Sometimes enviromental conditions are not favourable for growth making a distinct ring (LAG).
How do we determine how long it took for a dino to become fully grown?
The LAGs
WHat are the characteristics of young dino bones?
High vascularity and they have a lamellar texture
External Fundemental System (EFS)
A closely spaced series of LAGs formed after growth stops
Where the old bone cells were replaced by newer bone cells (Haversian (Secondary) Bone
What does the presence of ESF in dino bones mean?
The dino was skelatally mature and has stopped growing
Ontogenic changes
Changes in the form of an organism that occur as it matures
What are common features of baby dinos?
- Large eye
- Small size
- Shorter relative limb length
- Large head
- Less Prominent facial extrusions
Non-isometric Ontogenic Changes (+ example)
Changes in the relative proportions of an animal as it grows that are not simply changes resulting from a general increase in size
Example: changes in the relative length of the horns and frills of cerotopsians
Isometric Ontogenic Changes (+ examples)
Changes in the absolute size but not proportions
Example: the length of the tibia relative to the length of the femur in a ceratopsian is nearly the same in proportion to the length of the femur to tibia in an adult
Sexual dimorphism
males and females of the same secies are different
Medullary Bone
contain concentrations of Ca that are stored prior to eggshell development but not at any other time
How can be distiguish the sex of dinosaurs?
- Make inferences based on the conditions in which they were found (if they were found laying on a nest of eggs, found with babies…)
- if they have medullary bones present they are female
Where Dinos good parents?
We do not know for sure but it is infered that some where good parents in that they stayed with their eggs and cared for their young while others had a sea tutle approch
Predator Satiation
Evolutionary strategy where an organism lays a bunch of eggs and leaves them but the large number of eggs means that only a few need to survive in order to maintain species survival