Biopsychology Ao1 Flashcards
The nervous system
A specialised network of human cells that acts as our primary internal communication system. it uses electrical and chemical signals.
The to main functions of the nervous system
- to collect and respond to information in the environment
- to coordinate the working of different organs and cells in the body
What are the two subsystems of the nervous system?
-central nervous system
-peripheral nervous system
What is the central nervous system split into?
-spinal chord
Describe the brain
The brain is the centre of all conscious awareness. The brains outer layer, the cerebral cortex is inly 3mm thick and is only fund in mammals. The brain is what distinguishes our higher mental functions from those of animals. It is split into two hemispheres.
Describe the spinal chord
It passes messages to and from the brain and connects nerves to the PNS. It is responsible for reflex action.
What are the subdivisions of the PNS?
-autonomic nervous system: governs vital functions in the body eg breathing, heart rate, sexual arousal and stress responses.
-somatic nervous system- governs muscle movement and receives information from sensory receptors.
The endocrine system
Works alongside the nervous system to control vital bodily functions. Acts slower than the nervous system but has widespread and powerful effects .
Various glands in the body produce hormones which are then secrete into the bloodstream and effect target cells with specific receptors. Most hormones effect more than one organ.
What is the master gland?
The pituitary gland is located in the brain and controls the release of all other endocrine glands in the body.
Fight or flight
The endocrine and autonomic nervous system work in parallel with each other. First a stresses is perceived , then the part of the brain called the hypothalamus activates the pituitary gland which triggers activity of the sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system. This changes the body from its normal resting state to a physiologically aroused sympathetic state.
The stress hormone is released from the adrenal medulla into the bloodstream. Adrenaline triggers physiological arousal necessary for the fight or flight response.
How quickly is the response?
The response is immediate and automatic as soon as the threat is detected eg increased heart rate. This is an acute response and an automatic reaction from the body.
Parasympathetic action
Once the threat has passed the parasympathetic nervous system returns the body to its resting state by working in opposition with the sympathetic nervous system (antagonistic). The parasympathetic nervous system reduced the activities of the body that were previously increased.
There are 100 billion neurons in the human nervous system, 80% of which are located in the brain. By transmitting signals electrically and chemically they make the nervous system the bodies primary means of communication.
Types of neurons
Structure of a neurone
Neurons vary in size from less that a mm to a meter long. They all have a cell body including the nucleus which contains genetic material of the cell. They have an axon which carries impulses away from the cell body. The axon is covered n a fatty layer of myelin sheath that protects the axon and speeds up electrical impulses. Myelin Sheath are segmented by gaps called the nodes of Ranvier. These speed up transmission by forcing impulses to jump across gaps. At the end of the axon there are terminal buttons that communicate with the next neuron across the synapse.
Location of neurons
The cell bodies of the motor neuron may be in the CNS but they have long axons which form part of the PNS. Sensory neurons are located outside of the CNS, they are in PNS clusters known as ganglia. Relay neurons make up 97% of all neurons found in the brain and visual system.
Electrical transmission
When a neuron is in resting state inside the cell it is negatively charged. When the neuron is activated by the stimulus inside of the cell become positively charges for a split second causing action potential to occur. This creates an electrical impulse.
Chemical transmission (synaptic)
Neurons communicate with each other within groups known as neural networks. Each neurone is separated from the next by a tiny gap called a synapse. Signals within neurons are transmitted electrically, signals between neurons are transmitted chemically across a synapse.
How are neurotransmitters released?
When the electrical impulse reaches the end of a neuron (presynaptic terminal) it triggers the release of a neurotransmitter from tiny sacs called synaptic vesicles.
Chemicals which diffuse across a synapse. When it has crossed the gap it is taken up by the postsynaptic receptor site on the dendrites of the next neuron (axons take signals to the synapse and dendrites take them away). Here chemicals are converted back to an electrical impulse and transmission resumes.
What direction do chemical impulses travel?
The can only travel one way because they have to be released by the presynaptic neuron terminal and received by the postsynaptic neuron.
What is the molecular structure of a neuron?
Each neurotransmitter has its own specific molecular structure. That fits perfectly with the postsynaptic receptor site (lock and key). Neurotransmitters also have specialist function eg Acetylcholine- causes muscles to contract.
eg the neurotransmitter serotonin causes inhibition in the receiving neuron leaving it negatively charged and less likely to fire.