Biomechanical Movement Flashcards
Biomechanical principles and levers
What is inertia
Resistance of an object has to change its state of motion
Newtons first law
A force is required to change its state of motion
-if an object is at rest, it will stay at rest
-if an object is moving it will remain going in that direction at the same velocity until another force is exerted on it
-Large mass=Larger inertia of object=more force to change state of motion
Newtons second law
Law of acceleration
-magnitude and direction of the force applied to a body determines the magnitude+direction of the acceleration given to the body.
-directly proportional to the force applied
Newtons third law
Law of action/reaction
-Action and reaction are equal opposite and always occurs in pairs
-At start of sprint race athlete pushes back as hard as possible (action) and the blocks push forward on the athlete (reaction) to provide acceleration on athlete
-Most questions on third law involves a ground reaction force (GRF). This is a force exerted on the ground by the body in contact without.
Centre of mass and what forces can be applied to it
Its the point of concentration of mass- point of balance of a body
-Human COM is constantly changing
-Raise arms moves COM higher
-Typically around hip region
-Force applied through COM/concentric force-body moves in straight line/linear
-Force not applied through COM/eccentric force-rotation/angular motion produced