Biology practice questions Flashcards
What is the start codon?
AUG - codes for methionine
What type of inheritance is blood type? Is it a mode of mendelian inheritance?
- co-dominance
- NO, it is NON-mendelian
How many components make up the cycle of infection? What are they?
- 5
- reservoir/ living host , portal of exit, mode of transmission, portal of entry, susceptible host
Who is credited with taking the X ray diffraction image used by Watson and Crick to formulate the double helix model of DNA?
Rosalind Franklin (YES MAAAAM)
What is a colligative property? What is an example of one?
- depends only on the amount of solute present and NOT the size, mass, or chemical nature
- osmotic pressure- depends on concentration of solute
What type of energy is contained in nutrient mlcs?
potential energy- stored energy, which is converted to useable energy, ATP
when ATP is used, it will be converted to kinetic energy aka energy in motion
What trophic level does tuna fall into?
tertiary consumer = 4th trophic level
What is the first trophic level of the food chain called?
What do they do?
What are some examples?
- primary producers
- take energy from the sun and turn it into mlcs to be used as food
- (ie. phytoplankton, seagrass, algae)
What is the second trophic level of the food chain called?
What do they do?
What are some examples?
- first order consumers (primary consumers)
- eat producers to get energy
- ie. zooplankton, atlantic blue tang (a fish) , conch
What is the 3rd trophic level of the food chain called?
What do they do?
What are some examples?
- intermediate predators (secondary consumers)
- eat primary consumers
- ie. bar jack, black grouper, yellow tail snapper (all are fishes)
What is the fourth trophic level of the food chain called?
What do they do?
What are some examples?
- tertiary consumers (top predators)
- eat secondary consumers
- bluefin tuna, gray reef shark
What does a food pyramid represent?
amount of energy available to organisms in an ecosystem
as we move up the food pyramid = less kilocalories available
Organ system –> organism –> population –> community
what is the correct order of natural selection?
overpopulation –> differential aka variation of traits –> competition for resources –> preservation aka modification (organism that survives can pass on genes to children)
The cause of cell differentiaion can best be described by the following:
each cell expresses different genetic info
Each cell has the same ___ and ____ NO MATTER THE TYPE OF CELL IN UR BODY (ie. nerve or muscle cell)
DNA ; chromosomes
It has been hypothesize that chloroplast originated from cyanobacteria, what describes the best evidence for this hypothesis?
chloroplast DNA show clear similarities to cyanobacteria (photosynthetic) DNA
What is improved when an experiment is repeated?
What is the process called when plants return water vapor into the atmosphere?
transpiration through stomata (where H2O and O2 leave the leaves)- like human perspiration
What functions to store energy as well as cushion vital body organs?
adpiose tissue
What biomolecules (2) are there for cellular ID?
glycoproteins AND glycolipids
Liver have a large amount of what organelle? Why is that?
smooth ER bc it does alot of detoxification and removal of waste products from the blood
What organs has large amount of mitchochondria? Why?
- skeletal m. and neuronal cells bc they require use of alot of energy
What type of cells have large amount of golgi?
- secretory cells ie. salivary gland cells
What does trypsin do? How is it able to do this?
- breaks down proteins into AA
- lowers the activation energy of the rxn bc it is an ENZYME.
In a cell membrane, the phospholipid bilayer is arranged so that the ___ are in contact with the cell’s internal and external environments and the ___ points to the interior of the membrane.
- hydrophilic heads; hydrophobic tails
If a homozygous red bird (RR) is crossed with a homozygous blue bird (rr), what is the probability that the offspring will have red feathers?
What organelle transports materials throughout the cell?
What organelle takes up food through the cell membrane?
What organelle does intracellular digestion?
What organelle does cellular respiration?
What type of tissue is bone?
connective tissue