Biology- Human Evolution Flashcards
Key features of Humans
complex reasoning, learn, make/use sophisticated tools, use complex language, large brain relative to body size, hands capable of fine manipulation and coordination, bipedal (walk upright)
Homo sapiens
Evolved 200,000 years ago in east Asia
A group of relatively large-brained, mostly arboreal, mammals that includes prosimians, monkeys, apes and humans
A group of primates that includes lemurs, lorises and tarsiers
- large eyes, nocturnal, long tails more primitive
- the group of primates that includes monkeys, apes and humans
- diurnal, eat fruit and leaves, enlarged brain, enhanced senses, live in complex social groups and care for young for long periods
- Anthropoid group split into 2 groups, the monkeys and apes (or hominoids).
evolved first in Africa and Asia (Old World – baboons, macaques) then some migrated to C. and S. America (New World –capuchin, howler and squirrel monkeys – smaller, tree-dwelling)
lack tails, larger more developed brains, include lesser apes (gibbons), and great apes or HOMINIDS (orangutan, chimpanzee, and gorilla and humans)
Humans, recent ancestors and great apes
ONLY mans ancestors
Human like (apes and monkeys)
are our closest living relatives (recent common ancester around 6 mya) according to genomes (share ~98.8% of genome, both differ by ~1.6% from gorillas).
Humans and our direct ancestors are….
HOMININS: species that arose after the split from the chimp (large brain size and bipedal)
Examples of hominins: Sahelanthropus tchadensis (6 – 7 mya)
ape and human-like features, small brain, maybe upright (hole where spinal cord exits cranium), possibly related to both chimps and humans but not ancestor to either
Examples of hominins: Australopithecus afarensis (3.4 mya) “Lucy”
ape-like features (face, small brain, long and strong arms, curved fingers), small canine teeth, simple stone tools, regularly walked upright (bipedal), consumed meat
Examples of hominins: Homo habilis (2 mya)
- one of 1st members of our genus, made stone axes and large cutting tools (allowing for increased meat in diet), “Handy Man”
- Use of fire (1.5 mya) and hearths (790,000 ya) for cooking, reducing disease and increasing variety of foods
Examples of hominins:
Homo erectus
lived 1.9 m – 143,000 ya) – first with body proportions like modern humans (longer legs, shorter arms, less tree climbing, more walking/running), 1st species to leave Africa (into Asia, maybe Europe)
Examples of hominins: Homo heidelbergensis (700,000 – 200,000 ya) –
large brain size, first to live in colder climates, hunt large animals and create shelters,possible ancestor to modern humans and Neanderthals
Examples of hominins: Homo neanderthalensis (lived 300,000 - 40,000 ya)
large brained, short and powerfully built, adapted to cold, used sophisticated tools, lived in shelters, wore clothing, were skilled hunters, made symbolic/ornamental objects, buried dead and marked graves
why are Neanderthals extinct?
Humans were different and superior enough to have an edge over Neanderthals
- Climate change wiping out most individuals in Europe, leaving other human populations in Africa to recolonize Europe
- Violent conflict
- Disease
- Absorption of Neanderthals through inbreeding (genetic similarity)