Biology Flashcards
What is the substance found between the joints of the bones?
Syonvial Fluid — “synovial” partially derives from ovum, latin for egg
What is the period after which we can crack the same bones again?
around 20 minutes
Why do we hear a popping sound on cracking the bones?
When we stretch out our joints, a gas is released and that gas forms a bubble and it collapses and pops.
What is Glycemic Index?
Glycemic index is a number that gives you an idea about how FAST your body CONVERTS the CARBS in a food into GLUCOSE.
The SMALLER the number, the LESS impact the food has on your blood sugar.
55 or less = Low (good) - takes time to digest, feels fuller for long time
56 - 69 = Medium
70 or higher = High (bad) - digests quickly, makes you feel hungry soon
What are the functions of the kidney?
- Balance the amount of fluid in the body
- Detect waste in the blood
- Know when to release vitamins, minerals, and hormones we need to stay alive
How many times the body’s 8 litre blood pass through the kidneys?
20-25 times each day, meaning they filter 180 litres every 24 hours
How is chronic pain defined?
Pain that lasts for >3 months
How is a (large/food) calorie defined?
1 calorie is the energy required to heat 1 kilogram of water by 1 degree Celsius.
How is a (small) calorie defined?
1 calorie is the energy required to heat 1 gram of water by 1 degree Celsius.
What are the types of vaccines?
- Live-attenuated vaccines
- Inactivated vaccines
- Subunit, recombinant, polysaccharide, and conjugate vaccines
- Toxoid vaccines
How is Subunit vaccine made?
It is made from only 1 part of the pathogen, called antigen — the ingredient that actually triggers the immune response.
What does the Immune System rely on?
It relies on MILLIONS of WHITE BLOOD CELLS (WBCs), also called Leukocytes.
Where do WBCs or Leukocytes originate?
They originate in our BONE MARROW.
What is Lymphatic System?
A network of vessels which helps clear bodily toxins and waste.
How many Leukocytes are there in our blood?
4000 to 11,000 in every microliter of blood.
How are Leukocytes classified?
They are classified in 2 main cellular groups:
- Phagocyte
- Lymphocyte
They co-ordinate a 2 pronged attack!