BIOLOGY Flashcards
Phosphates are nutrient for plants and microorganism. If excess phosphate gets into rivers, lakes and ponds we see an increased growth of plants and various microorganisms, This would decrease severely the natural supply of dissolved 0XYGEN. This is called eutrophication.
A mule is the offspring of a male donkey and female horse. If the donkey has 2n=62 and the horse has 2n=64. the mule will have a 2N of?
The mule will have 63 chromosomes for the 2N number. Mules are infertile so they must have an odd number. A mammal needs an even number for reproduction. Haploid cell for the HORSE is 32 Haploid cell for the donkey is 31 so if you add 32+31=63 DIPLOID.

ONION CELL They have large chromosome that cause a dark stain
-All fishes have gills.(respire through oxygenated water over gills) -Modern fishes are Agnatha(Jawless), Chondricthyes(Jawed with a cartilage skeleton), and Osteichthyes( Jawed with a bone skeleton). -They are cold blooded. -The Opah fish is the only warm blooded fish.
-The most primitive fishes. -They are jawless fish( Lamprey and Hagfish)

Tattoo get to what level of the skin
Tattoo is a puncture woud to the dermis.
What is the largest internal organ?
LIVER( 3.5 Ibs)
Canaliculi Is a communication canal within the bone that connects the lacunae of the osteon.It allows nutirents to reach the bone and waste taken out of the bone.
Lacunae are the small spaces between the lamellae which contain bone cells called osteocytes.
The concentric layer around the central Haversian canal called the Lamellae. They are very strong made from calcium, phosphate and collagen
The periosteum is a membrane that covers the outer surface of all bones. Periosteum allows for muscle tissue attachment and allow blood to pass in and out of the bone.
Volkmann’s Canal
small channels that run perpendicular to the surface of the bone, connect the blood and nerve supplies of adjacent Haversian canals together.
appeared around 230 millions years ago.
They were not mammals, because only mammals grow hair and nurse their young
- Contain Actin and Myosin
- Cytokinesis is different in plants, as no cleavage furrow forms, but a cell plate is formed
A new cell wall forms between the two cell plate membranes.

Second Messengers
Second Messengers Molecules are involved in the relay of signals at recptors on the cell surface to target molecules in the cytosol and nuclues.
IP3(inositol triphosphate)
Cyclic AMP (CAMP)
Partial Monosomy
Partial trisomy
Partial Monosomy occurs when only part of one chromosome is lost
Partial trisomy - the addition of only a portion of another chromosome.

Microaerobes require oxygen but are harmed by high amount of oxygen
Penicillin and its effect on bacteria
Penicillins interefere with the bacteria’s ability to synthesis it cell wall
The left lung has 2 lobes and the right has 3 lobes. The right lung is bigger than the left lung.
The left lung has a cardiac notch to allow room for the heart

Microarray technology
Microarray technology allows a researcher to examine many genes and determine which are expressed in a particular cell type.
This technique will allow you to determine gene expression.
DNA microarrays can be used to detect DNA or RNA that may or may not be translated in proteins.
a mammal that lays eggs.ex. platypus
Marsupial are mammals that complete embryonic development in a pouch.
is a polysaccharide containing glucose molecules with nitrogen groups attached.
It is the cell walls of many fungi, forming the exoskeleton of arthropods
ileocecal valve
is a sphincter muscle valve that separates the small intestine and the large intestine.
Prevents the content of the large intestine from entering the small intestine and vice versa.
Colchine is an alkaloid that inhibits the polymerization of tubulin into microtubules( spindle apparatus). Mitosis would stop if colchine is present.
Thyroid Gland
- Thyroid Gland produce thyroid Hormones which contain iodine.
- secrete calcitonin, which lowers calcium levels in the blood.
- produce the thyroxine and triiodothyronine.
- Blood enters the glomerulus via the afferent arteriole and leaves via the efferent arteriole.
- If the efferent arteriole is constricted blood cannot flow passed the constricted point; this causes an increase in the glomerular pressure as blood backs up into the glomerulus consequently the glomerular hydrostatic pressure is increased and the filtration rate rises.
- The opposite will occur if the afferent arteriole is constricted; blood flow is diminished, hydrostatic pressure is decreased, and filtration decreases.
- Sympathetic innervation (stimulate) of the kidneys primarily will affect the afferent arterioles and causes constriction and would reduce the urine output.