Biology 1st Semester Review Flashcards
Type of data gathered using actual measured numbers.
Type of data gathered using the 5 senses.
Is an educated guess
Are the factors that are measured in an experiment
Carbohydrates are _______ built to store energy in plants and are ______ _____ to be used as cellular energy to accomplish the characteristics of life.
Built & broken down
What are the monomers of carbohydrates?
What is an example of simple sugar?
Levels of organization
Atom Element Molecule Compound Organelle Cell Tissue Organ Organ system Organism Population Community Ecosystem Biome Biosphere Universe
What are the two types of cells?
Eukaryotes & prokaryotes
Whats the big difference between eukaryotes & prokaryotes ?
Eukaryotes have a nucleus & prokaryotes dont
What are the 6 kingdoms?
Animals Fungi Protist Plant Monera ( archaebacteria & eubacteria) Euglena
What are two types of monera kingdom?
Eubacteria & archaebacteria
What kingdom does a pseodopod , amoeba , & paramecium belong?
What kingdom does flagellum & flagella belong?
List the monomer & function for proteins?
Amino acids & to control rate of reactions & regulate cell processes.
List monomer & function for lipids ?
3 fatty acids & glycerol . Used to store energy in animals
What are two catergories mixture can be split into ?
Heterogenous & homogenous
Whats the difference between homogenous & heterogenous ?
Homogenous is the SAME throughout & heterogenous isnt.
Homogenous mixtures can be considered …..?
A solution
Whats the difference between solute & solvent ?(solutions)
Solute is a substance that is dissolved . Solvent is a liquid that dissolves another substance.
List monomer & function for nucleic acids?
Nucleotides & used to store and transmit hereditary or genetic info. (DNA)
List monomer & function for carbo hydrates ?
Monosaccharide (simple sugar) & used as source of energy in plants .
Smallest unit of life
Get & use energy in order to carry out life functions .
Organisms rely on eachother to survive.
Ability to maintain a constant temp
Pass on traits to offspring
Populations of organisms change over time
Inorganic compounds dont contain?
Water molecules that have a slightly ➖ charge at one end & a slightly ➕charge at the other end.
Polar molecules
The attraction between the positive end of one water molecule & negative end of another water molecule .
Hydrogen bonding.