Biology Flashcards
What chemical processes support life?
The sum of chemical, enzyme-catalyzed reactions, that are found in every cell of a living organism
Break down Large organic Molecules into small organic molecules
The process of synthesizing biomolecules into substances that are required by a cell
Metabolic pathways
to extract energy from foods for cellular activities by synthesizing biomolecules + eliminating waste produce
Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins, and Nucleic Acid.
A unit of energy received through food and water.
What is Cerebral Cortex?
It is a part of our brain that processes tastes such as bitter, umami, salt, and sugar.
Reward system,
Electrical and chemical pathways, activated through dopamine kicks occur in many ways, including food and water.
What happens when we send our reward system to overdrive?
Dopamine levels scatter increasingly sending a strong addiction.
Autroph process of palnt producing their own food using sunlight, water and carbo dioxide
The cell that contains the chlorophyll
Traps sunlight
Tiny pores on the leaves that take in carbon dioxide
What is the connection between photosynthesis and animals?
the process creates a cycle, animals eat plants, produce waste, and return nutrients to the soil.
Factors affecting the rate of photosynthesis
Chlorophyll and light intensity
How does chlorophyll affect the rate of photosynthesis
If a plant has less chlorophyll it won’t be able to carry out photosynthesis