Biology Flashcards
morphological (adjective)
Ex: morphological changes in the liver
connected with the form and structure of animals and plants
organism (adj)
a living thing, especially one that is extremely small
một hệ thống hóa sự phân loại của…
a systematic classification of…
những mối quan hệ tiến hóa giữa các loài
evolutionary relationships between species.
palaenontologist (n)
nhà cổ sinh vật học
adaptation (n)
sự thích ứng
primitive (adj)
Ex: primative man
belonging to an early stage in the development of humans or animals nguyên thủy, cổ xưa
What is synonyms of “trait”?
character trait (n)a particular quality in your personality
lump verb
lump A and B together: You can’t lump all Asian languages together.
lump A (in) with B: Dinasour are lumped in with lizards and alligators.
to put or consider different things together in the same group, even when they are actually quite different
lump verb
lump A and B together: You can’t lump all Asian languages together.
lump A (in) with B: Dinasour are lumped in with lizards and alligators.
to put or consider different things together in the same group, even when they are actually quite different
(xep vao cung loai)
Kỷ phẩn trắng
Cretaceous period /krɪˈteɪʃəs/
Kỷ Jura
Jurassic period /dʒʊˈræsɪk/
Thời kì đại Trung sinh
Mesozic era
skeletal structure
cấu trúc xương
sinh đôi cùng trứng
fraternal twin /frəˈtɜːnl/