what two theories are physiological biological theories of crime?
what did Sheldon look at?
body types and how they link to criminality
how many different body types did Sheldon identify?
what are the three body types that Sheldon identified?
what is an ectomorphic body type?
fat and soft
what are the characteristics of an ectomorphic person?
sociable and fun loving
what is an endomorphic body type?
thin and fragile
what are the characteristics of an endomorphic body type?
anxious and private
what is a mesomorphic body type?
muscular and built
what are the characteristics of mesomorphic body type?
aggressive and violent
what does Sheldon say about the mesomorphic body type?
they are more likely to commit crime as they will be more aggressive with testosterone
what is research to support Sheldon’s theory?
Glueck and Glueck who found 60% of mesomorphs in a crim population and 31% in a non-crim population
what are some limitations of Sheldon’s theory?
not all mesomorphs are criminals
someone’s body type is not fixed
mesomorphs may be targeted because of the way that they looks
other body types can commit crime
what is Lombroso’s theory about?
atavistic (ancient) characteristics
what did Lombroso argue criminals are?
a throwback to an earlier stage of human evolution
give some examples of atavistic characteristics
large jaws
extra fingers
long limbs
who did he compare these atavistic characteristics to?
italian prisoners and italian soldiers
men needed … of these characteristics to be seen as criminal
women needed … of these characteristics to be seen as criminal
what is one strength of Lombroso’s theory?
It bought scientific credibility to criminology
what year did DeLisi criticise Lombroso’s work?
what phrase did DeLisi use to describe Lombroso’s work?
scientifically racist
what does the phrase scientific racism mean?
means that the atavistic characteristics that he found were all common in those of African descent
what can Lombroso’s theory be described as?
deterministic meaning people cannot escape their fate of criminality