Biological Rhythms Flashcards
What are all the types of biological rythm
. Circadian
. Ultradian
. Infradian
What are 2 examples of circadian rythm
. Sleep wake cycle
. Body temperature
What is siffres study about
. Isolated from all daylight spending 6 months in a dark cave with no clock
.his sleep wake cycle stayed the same
. Shows exogenous and endogenous pacemakers work together
Evaluation of siffre
. (-) case study
. (-) artificial light affects rythm
What is infradian rythm
Frequency of less than once cycle in 24 hours such as menstruation or seasonal affective disorder
What is McClintock and sterns research about?
. 29 women with irregular periods, 9 sample of pheromones gathered at different stages of menstrual cycle via cotton pad on armpit they wore for atleast 8 hours
.pads were then treated with alcohol and frozen to be rubbed on the upper lip of other participants
.on day one from start of the menstrual cycle applied to all 20 women on day two they were given a pad from the second day of the cycle and so on
. Found that 68% of women experienced changes to their cycle which brought them closer to odour donor
Evaluation of McClintock and sterns
. (-) Small sample size
.(-) only 68% experienced change
.(-) methodological issue
.(-) results are based on correlation
What are ultradianq rhythms
Type off biological rythm with a frequency of more than one cycle in 24 hours such as stages of sleep which span approximately 90 mins
What are the stages of sleep
1-2 light sleep
3-4 deep sleep
5- rem sleep
What is dement & kleitman study about
. 7 adult males and 2 females were asked to report to the lab at bedtime where they were connected to an EEG which took measurements throughout their time sleep. Participants were asked for a asked to not drink caffeinated drink for the day before their sleep was investigated
. Found that all participants had periods of REM every night , also found that high incidences of dream recall when awakened during rem
Evaluation of dementia & cleitman
.(-) small sample size
.(+) EEG is an objective measurement