What are Biological Rhythms?
any variable physiological process with phases that reoccur periodically
types of rhythms
Early views of Sleep (endogenous vs exogenous)
early view was exogenous, Pavlov would say that rhythms are classically conditioned responses
Present view of sleep (endogenous vs exogenous)
Mairon’s famous experiment
findings support that circadian regulation is endogenous control
Processes that occur under Circadian Rhythm
body temp drops
growth hormones released during slow wave sleep
cortisol levels spike when sleeping
absorption of drugs
Chronotypes differences
younger people prefer evenings while older people prefer morning
What are the two big life changes that occur that change circadian rhythm
becoming a teen, preferring evenings
40-50 years go back to morning
Findings from Moore study (1972)
when SCN is destroyed there is no pattern
Findings from Ralph study (1990)
SCN transportation
found that transplants when putting back SCN into the brain there is rhythm in activity
Forced Desyachrony Protocol
28- hr and 24 hr day
7 nights and days (24hrs)
de-synchronized sleep and wake rhythm (28 hrs)
Hurd and Ralph study (Ex 1)
forced desynchrony: imposed 24hr cycle and 20 hr hamsters
died 7 months earlier (30% reduction)
Hurd and Ralph Study (EX 2)
older hamsters
implanted SCN tissue from younger hamsters causing them to live longer
extended life span by 17%
Two process model of Sleep Regulation
Process C (ircadian) Process S (leep)
Are sleep drive and want different?