Biological Policies Flashcards
A method used to try and prevent or control crime.
Crime Control Policies
The idea of improving the biological fitness of the human race, either by eliminating inferior traits or encouraging the proliferation of desirable characteristics. It is influenced by genetic theories.
If we prevent criminals from giving birth to criminal offspring, it prevents more crime in society, making it safer.
Strength for Eugenics
In modern day, it is unlikely that the widespread policy will occur. They are basing it on an assumption.
Weakness of Eugenics
Women were either forced or persuaded to be sterilised. They felt forced to give consent because you should do what they say in order to get out of prison.
Case Study: Women in prisons in California
Influenced by physiological and genetic theories. This is where a person is executed for a crime they were found guilty for.
Death Penalty
-He was the youngest man on death row.
-He was there because he killed a police officer.
-He was at peace and accepted the fact that he would be killed.
Case Study: Anthony Haynes
-Physically prevents an offender from reoffending.
-Ensures that criminal genes can never be passed through generations.
-Lombroso would support the use of the death penalty because he believes criminals were born bad, therefore they cannot be cured.
Why the death penalty is effective.
-Many countries reject the death penalty.
-No conclusive evidence that crime is genetic and criminals are born bad.
Why the death penalty is not effective.
Controlling Hormones, a biochemical theory.
-Used in paedophilia.
-Drugs that are used to reduce sexual offending.
Chemical Castration
Reduces the crime that is committed
Reasons for chemical castration.
They can have serious side effects such as psychiatric disorders, which could lead to more criminal activity.
Reasons against chemical castration.
This reduces offending because it makes people calmer and less aggressive. It is believed that having a poor diet can make people aggressive and have impulsive behaviour.
Modifying/Controlling Diet
-They study 231 young male adult prisoners.
-They volunteered to either receive a daily vitamin, mineral and fatty supplement or a placebo.
Case Study: Gesch et Al
-Ignores other factors that can explain offending
-Doesn’t help to explain why white collar crime takes place, therefore it is unlikely to be effective at reducing this type of crime.
Criticisms of controlling diet
A surgical operation involving incision into the prefrontal lobe of the brain, formerly used to treat mental illness. Informed by brain abnormalities theories of crime.
Very affective at altering behaviour, and some patients even seemed to improve their behaviour after the procedure.
Effectiveness of Lobotomy
Many people also suffered from severe and irreparable brain damage.
Criticism of Lobotomy