Biological Explanations of OCD Flashcards
name the biological explanations for OCD
name the genetic explanations for OCD
- early evidence for genetic vulnerability in families
- candiate genes create vulnerability
- several genes involved : OCD is polygenetic
- There are different types of OCD
genetic explanations - early evidence for genetic vulnerability in families
Lewis thought OCD ran in families because…
37% of his patients had parent w/ OCD
21% siblings had OCD
not everyone develops OCD, therefore it’s likley vulnerability of OCD runs in the fam
Diathesis-stress model
what is the diathesis-stress model?
suggests that people may have genetic vulnerability for OCD
can be triggered by environmental stress + experience
genetic explanations - candidate genes create vulnerability
it is thought that candidate genes may be linked w/ regulating neurotransmitter system
genetic explanations - OCD is polygenetic
Taylor found evidence of 230 genes linked w/ OCD
which neurotransmitters are involved with OCD?
genetic explanations - different types of OCD
aetiologically heterogeneous
this indicates that the genetic basis if OCD is complex
different variations of genes may cause different types of OCD
define aetiologically heterogeneous
the organ of OCD has different causes
name the neural explanations for OCD
brain structure - the worry circuit
neural explanations - neurotransmitters
levels of dopamine thought to be too high in people with OCD
low levels of serotonin
name the parts of the brain that link to OCD
frontal cortex
basal ganglia
describe the worry circuit
frontal cortex -> basal ganglia -> thalamus
frontal cortex connection to OCD
Decision making + impulse control
maybe linked w/ feeling guilty, acting inappropriately, cleanliness
basal ganglia’s function
filters info coming in from the frontal cortex
manages repetitive behaviour
basal ganglia’s connection to OCD
may not filter important info efficiently
letting too much info go through the filter
potentially more things to worry about
thalamus’s connection to OCD
too much info goes into thalamus = hyperactive
signals sent back to frontal cortex become too strong
= rise anxiety