biological explanations - neural Flashcards
neural epxlantiosn
evidence suggest there may be neural differecnes in the brians of offenders and non-offenders
much of the evidence in this area has involed indicusls diagnosed with antisocial perosnality disorder
associated with reduced emotional responses a lack of empathy for the feelings of others
is a conditon that characterises many conviticted offenders
prefrontal cortex
conducted many studies of the APD brain
reporting that here are several doxen brian imaging studies demonstrating thta indicusald with antisocial perosnilites have reduced activity in the prefrontal cortex
the part of the brian that regulates emotional behavour
also foudn that 11% reduction in the volume of grey matter in the preforntla cortex of peopele wth APD compared to controls
mirror nuerons
recent research suggest that offender with APD can expeirnces empathy but they do so more sporadically than the rest of us
Keysers found that only when offender were asked to emptahise ( with a perosn depicted on film exprincign pain) did their empahty reaction ( cotnroleld by mirror neurons in the brian) activate
this suggest thta APD indiculads are not totslly without emothy but may also have a neural switch that can be turned on anf off unlike the nromal brian which ahs the empthy siwth permanantely on
brian evidence
support for the link between criem and the frontal lobe
Kandel and Freed
reviwed evidnence of frontal lobe damage including the prefrtonal cortex and antiscoial behavioiur
peopelw ith such damage tended ot show impuslibe behaviour emitona instvalisity anf an inabiloty to learn from their mistlaes
the frontal lobe is associated with plannign behavuour
this suports the idea that the brian damage may be a causal factor in offendign behaviour
intervening vairbales
link between neural dfferences and APD may be complex
other factors may contribute to APD and ultimately to offending
farrington et al studied a group of men who scored high on psychopathy APD
these individuals had experinced various risk factros during childhood such as being raised by a convicted paretns and being pshcyially neglected
it could be that these ealry childhood expeirnces cuased APD and also some of the nerual differneces associated with it such as reduced acticity in the frontal lobe due to trauma
suggests that the relationship between neural differences APD and offending is complec and there ,ay be other intervening varibles thta have an impact