Biological approach exam questions Flashcards
Describe two assumptions of the biological approach. (8)
Explain the biological assumption ‘localisation of brain function’ (4)
Describe the formation of one relationship using one assumption of the biological approach. (3)
Explain the biological assumption of ‘evolutionary influences’. (4)
Explain the biological assumption of ‘neurotransmitters’. (4)
Describe how the assumptions of the biological approach are applied in one therapy. (6)
Desribe two components of drug therapy (8)
Evaluate the ethical issues raised in drug therapy. (8)
Evaluate the effectiveness of drug therapy. (8)
Describe and justify the methodology used in Raine, Buchsbaum and LaCasse. (8)
Describe the findings of Raine, Buchsbaum and LaCasse. (8)
Evaluate the methodology used in Raine, Buchsbaum and LaCasse’s 1997 research (12)
Outline the findings and conclusions of Raine, Buchsbaum and LaCasse’s 1997 research. (8)
Describe and evaluate the procedures in Raine, Buchsbaum and LaCasse’s 1997 research. (12)
Ethical issues involved within neuroscience only really arise beacuse neuroscientists are trying to apply their knowledge to address sensitive issues in society.
Using your psychological knowledge, discuss the extent to which you agree with this statement. (24)
‘Neuroscience findings need to be treated with caution’
Discuss evidence which supports the above view. (24)
Discuss two or more weaknesses of the biological approach. (8)
Evaluate one strength and one weakness of the biological approach. (6)
Compare and contrast the biological and behaviourist approaches. (8)
Compare and contrast the biological and cognitive approaches. (8)
Compare and contrast the biological and positive approaches. (8)
Compare and contrast the biological and psychodynamic approaches. (8)
‘The biological approach offers both strength and weaknesses’ Evaluate the biological approach in psychology. (16)
‘Biological therapies are successful in treating mental illness.’ With reference to the above statement, discuss the effectiveness of the biological therapy you described in part (a), using psychological knowledge and research. (10)
Analyse and evaluate Raine, Buchsbaum and LaCasse’s (1997) research Brain abnormalities in murderers indicated by positron emission tomography in relation
to the ethical issues and social implications. (16)
Apply your knowledge of the assumptions of the biological and behaviourist approaches to explain aggressive behaviour in a teenage boy. (8)
Lucy and Michael are having a discussion about the biological approach. Lucy is impressed by the biological approach but Michael disagrees. Explain one strength that Lucy might use and one weakness that Michael might use in their discussion. (5+5)
‘Neuroscience is ethical.’
Discuss to what extent you agree with this statement. You should demonstrate your understanding of psychological knowledge and research in your response. (24)
Apply your knowledge of the assumptions to explain one human behaviour. (10)
Apply your knowledge of ‘evolutionary influences’ to explain one behaviour. (5)
Apply your knowledge of ‘neurotransmitters’ to explain one behaviour. (5)
Apply your knowledge of ‘localisation of brain function’ to explain one behaviour. (5)
Relationship formation is just a result of biological processes.’ With reference to this quote explain how the biological approach explains why a relationship is formed. [5]