Behaviourist approach exam questions Flashcards
Desrcibe the assumptions of the behaviourist approach. (12)
Outline the ‘behaviour is learnt through conditioning’ and ‘humans are born as a blank slate’ assumptions. (4+4)
Explain how the behaviourist approach might explain relationship formation. (6)
Describe two assumptions of the behaviourist approach. (8)
Explain the assumption ‘humans are born like a blank slate’. (4)
Explain the assumption ‘behaviour is learnt through conditioning.’ (4)
Explain the assumption ‘humans and animals learn in similar ways’. (4)
Apply your knowledge of the assumptions to explain one behaviour. (10)
Apply your knowledge of ‘humans are born like a blank slate’ to explain one behaviour. (5)
Apply your knowledge of ‘behaviour learned through conditioning’ to explain one behaviour. (5)
Apply your knowledge of ‘humans and animals learn in similar ways’ to explain one behaviour. (5)
Describe two or more ways in which the assumptions can be applied to systematic desensitsiation. (8)
Describe the main components of systematic desensitisation (10)
Evaluate systematic desensitsation in terms of ethical considerations (6)
Outline two components of systematic desensitisation. (4+4)
Evaluate systematic desensitsiation in terms of its effectiveness. (10)
Describe and justify the methodology used in the study Watson and Rayner 1920. (8)
Describe the characteristics of the sample of participants used in Watson and Rayners 1920 study. (6)
Describe the procedures of Watson and Rayner 1920. (10)
Describe the findings and conclusions of Watson and Rayner 1920. (8)
Discuss the ethical and social implications from the findings of Watson and Rayner 1920. (12)
Evaluate trhe methodlogy in Watson and Rayner 1920. (12)
Evaluate the findings and conlusions in Watson and Rayner 1920. (12)
‘Using conditioning techniques to control the behaviour of children does more harm than good.’ Using psychological evidence, discuss the extent to which you agree with this statement. (24)
‘Without the use of conditioning techniques, children in the UK would be out of control.’ Discuss the used of conditioning technqiues to control the behaviour of children. (24)
Evaluate two strengths of the beahviourist approach. (6)
Evaluate one weakness of the behaviourist appraoch. (3)
Evaluate two weaknesses of the behaviourist approach. (6)
Compare and contrast the behaviorist approach with the psychodnyamic approach. (12)
Compare and contrast the behaviourist approach with the cognitive approach (10)
Compare and contrast the behaviourist approach with the biological approach. (10)
Compare and contrast the behaviourist approach with the positive approach. (10)
Apply your knowledge of the assumptions of the biological and behaviourist approaches to explain aggressive behaviour in a teenage boy. (8)