biological approach Flashcards
what does concordance rate mean
The rate of the twins sharing the same traits
What is the difference between monozygotic and dizygotic twins
Monozygotic - 100% (have same characteristics and behaviour )
Dizygotic - 50% (only half )
what is a genotype
genetic makeup of an organism
what is a phenotype
physical characteristics of our genes
what does low levels of serotonin lead to
What does high levels of dopamine lead to
What part of the brain increases in activity with patients that have OCD according to Ruch et Al
Basal Ganglia
Examples of evolution
Bitter = poison
Men sleep on side closer to door
What is survival of the fittest
Adaptive behaviours
Positive evaluation point
Real world application
Use of drugs for mental disorders
Promoting treatment for depressions
Drugs reduce depressive symptoms
Negative evaluation point
Doesn’t work for everyone e.g CIPIRANI ET AL (compared 21 antidepressant drugs found wide variations in- “mainly modest “effect of drugs
Brain chemistry isn’t only thing that accounts for depression
Positive evaluation point
Uses scientific methods
E.g scanning technique FMRI ,EEGA
ACCURATE measures
Adds to high validity
Negative evaluation
Can be influenced by environment not taking accountable for in approach
Way too simple