Biological Approach Flashcards
Humans are biological organisms made up of physiological processes.
Our thinking and behaviour are strongly determined by biological factors- structure and functioning of the nervous system which is influenced by genetics and evolutionary factors.
Genetic factors
Each individual contains a unique combination of genes meaning we differ from each other.
Genes code for characteristics such as eye colour but also the structure of the nervous system.
To determine the involvement we compare the concordance rate or monozygotic twins to the concordance rate of dizygotic twins.
Genotype- genetic code
Phenotype- expression of the genotype including environmental factors too.
PKU- genetic disorder affecting individuals ability to break down phenylalanine. Can be prevented by following a specific diet showing that presence of particular genes may lead to different outcomes depending on the social environment.
Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution backs up this, traits adapted best for survival in a certain environment are passed on to next generations.
Biological applications
Understanding of the role of neurotransmitters has lead to the development of drugs that are effective in treating mental disorders such as depression and schizophrenia.
Enabling sufferers to lead normal lives
However these drugs are not effective for all patients and can have serious side effects. Does not cure the disorder.
Biological approach evaluation
+Uses scientific methodology such as fmri scans and twin studies these produce objective data which can be replicated and peer reviewed.
- could be argued that twin studies do not separate nature and nurture because twins are raised in the same environment..
- not an 100% concordance rate in mz twins in mental disorders indicating the reductional nature of biological approach because social environmental factors must be involved.
- determinist sees behaviour as caused entirely by biological factors that we have no control over encouraging people to not take responsibility for their own actions
Issues and debates in the biological approach.
Free will vs determinism: strongly determinist
Nature vs nurture: strongly nature but doesn’t entirely reject nurture (phenotypic influence of environment)
Holistic vs reductional: reductionist aims at explaining all behaviour by action of genetic or biochemical processes
Idiographic vs nomothetic: nomothetic establishing laws that apply to all people
Biological determinism
All behaviour is caused by internal biological forces over which we have no control which is a problem for judicial system and the economy.
Brain structure
Frontal lobe- conscious thoughts and higher level thinking
Parietal lobe- processes sensory information and voluntary movement
Occipital lobe- processes visual information via optic nerves
Cerebellum- balance and movement
Temporal lobe- processes auditory information
Corpus collosum- fibres that connect left and right hemispheres