Bioethics Flashcards
What is the problem or challenges with advance care planning for paediatrics?
- lack of info
- bias of beneficence over autonomy (or curative rather than palliative options)
- kids usually outlive parents which leads to avoidance of difficult topics
When is palliative care appropriate to be introduced?
-at any point following the diagnosis of a life-limiting condition
-can introduce simultaneously with potentially curative treatment
What are the goals of palliative care?
- relief of suffering
- quality of life
- bereavement support
- early discussion avoids equating DNR with giving up
What are key things to remember when discussing palliative care or advance care planning for paediatrics?
- most parents want initiation of discussion
- be specific in terms of interventions
- address physical, psychological and spiritual needs
- be explicit about shift in focus from cure ad survival to comfort and well being
- help parents talk to child about death
What are some barriers to implementation of advance care directives?
- many provinces legal age for advance directives is 16 yrs below this usually advance directives have no legal validity even if made by a mature minors
- legal age to be substitute decision maker varies
- get variable acceptance by third parties about advance directives and lack legal status b/c most not drafted by the patient themselves
What is our role as paediatricians in advance care planning?
- start discussions early and have them regularly (before a crisis)
- our responsibility to start the discussions
- plan regarding emergency and life-sustaining treatments should be well-documented
- palliative care is a potential adjunct to care of all dis with conditions limiting life expectance
- adovcate for uniform legislation across canada
What are some issues with kids participating in medical education (i.e. being examined by medical students)?
- availability of parents
- consent by parents/patients for exams
- need for chaperones
What are the main ethical challenges in medical education?
- truth telling
- informed consent
- respect for person and confidentiality
-medical schools have a responsibility to society to train clinically competent and professional physicians but need to balance this with the right so individual patients (non-maleficence); distributive justice
How do we achieve informed consent for medical education regarding kids?
- by parent or guardian or mature minor is essential for participation of children in medical education
- explicit verbal or written consent
- fully informed of what is proposed and give voluntary, concerned concept
- younger child needs to give assent and dissent and these should be respected
What do families need to know about trainees?
- we need to let them know that trainees may be providing some care for them
- explain the role of a trainee
- they have a right to request no trainee but we need to advise them about the limits of this (esp given trainee involvement during call coverage)
What is the CPS recommendation regarding parental presence during exams of pts?
-they should be present for most encounters unless it is a teen or is clinically urgent
What are the requirements of educational rounds or teaching sessions?
- reveal only relevant non identifying info
- consent not required but should inform the family
- need consent for photographs,
- need written consent if plan to publish photos
What are some implications of having children play SPs for OSCEs?
-should clearly ask for informed consent and assent, as appropriate.
• When children, whether actual patients or volunteer SPs, are being used in an OSCE, they or their parents should provide informed consent and/or assent as appropriate. The well-being and comfort of the child should always be paramount and he/she should have the option to withdraw or be withdrawn from participating in the OSCE. Administrators of OSCEs should always be aware of the impact that portraying a sick or troubled child has on the volunteer child, and should provide appropriate limits and counselling.
• If other SPs are remunerated for their participation in an OSCE, children should also be compensated in a manner that does not constitute undue inducement
Why is research in children a moral duty based on the ethical principles?
- distributive justice: making high-quality health care available to all populations
- beneficence: evidenced based care
- non-maleficence: avoiding harmful therapies
- respect for informed consent: supports developing autonomy in kids
- respect for privacy and confidentiality: within the legal requirements
What have been some challenges in paediatric research?
- protective attitude
- could not recruit enough kids for rare diseases
- not financially beneficial to bring new drug to market for small population
- fewer researchers looking into meds issues
What is the governing document for research in humans in Canada?
Tri-Council policy statement
- must adhere to guidelines
- need REB approval
- assesses risk
- disclosure of conflict of interests
What is the role of the REB and who sits on it?
- multiD panel with scientific peers, bioethics, law experts, lay community
- role to uphold the Tri-council policy statement
- ensure well designed study to ensure reliable and valid results
- ensure researcher has control over the data
What are the 3 main elements required for informed consent for participation in research?
- adequate information
- voluntariness
- capacity to understand the information
-for kids who cannot consent we should seek assent
What are some examples of conflict of interest as it relates to health research?
- financial gains
- personal academic gain/stature within community
- institutional gain of pharm company to drive academic agenda
-conflicts of interest must be disclosed
What do you need to explain to parents about research results?
-offer to give them to them if they want
-make them aware that potentially sensitive info acquired will be documented in the health record
-give other physicians caring for the kid the relevant info you learn from the research
What are phase 1 trials?
tested in tissue culture/animal/human - focus on establishing safety profile and toxicity information of new drug in patients with advanced disease with no effective treatment