Bioethical Principles Flashcards
Focuses on respect and human dignity
Individuals have the right and freedom to make decisions for themselves that fulfill their life plans, should be made without coercion or influence.
Example of Autonomy
A patient leaves against medical advice
Do no harm, act according to standard of care, practice guidelines and policy.
Seek to produce the least harm possible
Example of Non-Maleficence
Patient with a communicable disease requires quarantine
Do good, obligation to preform actions that maintain or enhance the dignity of others.
Actions should not place unnecessary or undue burdens on the healthcare provider.
Example of Beneficence
Health professionals staying up to date on the latest practice guidelines.
Providing the best care to a patient, who is incapacitated and uncle to make decisions for themselves.
Everyone has equal opportunities, elimination of discrimination in biological studies and healthcare
Example of Justice
Everyone has access to basic health care
Ensuring everyone has equal access to clean drinking water.
Social Justice
Create fair and equal society where each person matters, individual rights are recognized and protected and decisions are made honestly and fairly
Examples of Social Justice
Inter social treatment- ageism against co-workers
Unequal government regulation: public school segregation and integration
Fair distribution of benefits and burdens in society where a minimum level of goods and services should be available to members
Example of Distributive
Welfare rights- right to receive certain social goods including access to food, housing, education, police and fire protection
Emphasis placed on repairing the harm caused by criminal behavior via cooperative process with meeting between stakeholders to make amends for harm and reintegrate parties back into communities
Example of Restorative
Mediation between the school bully and the student that was bullied