Biocultural and Social Evolution. Flashcards
The mutual, interactive evolution of human biology and culture
Biocultural Evolution
evolution of society
Social Evolution
Describes how organisms evolve
over generations through the
inheritance of physical or behavioral
Theory of Evolution
Theory of Evolution is formulated in what book
“On the Origin of Species” published
in 1859.
Who wrote “On the Origin of Species”
Charles Darwin
Hominid means
Great apes or manlike primate
Hominid conditions
any human-like species who are bipedal and intelligent
an extinct primate and believed to be the ancestor of orangutan
Group of extinct primates closely
related to, if not actually ancestors of,
modern human beings.
One of the oldest known human
Lucy is found in
Hadar, Ethiopia. in 1974
Due to its skull shape, believed to have
the ability to speak.
Homo habilis
Homo Habilis is also called:
Handy Man
Called the “________” due to their use of
tools particularly stone flakes to use as
weapons and protection from their
Handy Man
- Stands at about 4 feet
- Small brain
- Used crude stone to defend from
- 5 feet tall
- Brain double the size of a
chimpanzee’s brain - Used more refined stone tools
Lake Turkana Boy
Lake Turkana Boy is found in
Lake Turkana, Kenya
by Dr. Richard Leakey
Zinjanthropus is found in
Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania
by Dr. Louis Leakey
Homo Erectus is also known as
Upright Man
Can stand upright
Homo Erectus
Discovered fire and used tools
extensively (raft for water
Homo Erectus
Almost same brain size as
modern humans but different
skull and face structure
Homo Erectus
- About 5 feet tall
- Could walk upright
- Heavy and chinless jaw
- Hairy body of modern man
Java Man
- About 5’2” tall
- Could walk upright
- Brain almost as large as the
modern man - Believed to lived 500,000 years
ago. - Found in Peking, China
Peking Man
Believed to be the direct descendant
of modern man as they also have
similar physical descriptions.
Homo Sapiens
Homo Sapiens’ activities were largely dependent on
hunting, fishing and
Buried their dead, used hand tools and had religion.
Heavily built with powerful jaws and brutish and primitively intelligent
More developed brain and
stronger than neanderthals
First early modern humans to
settle in Europe
A process by which structural reorganization is affected
through time.
Early humans lived in caves or simple huts or tepees
Paleolithic Period
Stone tools shaped by polishing or grinding,
Neolithic Period
The final stage of cultural evolution or technological
development among prehistoric humans.
Neolithic Period
Hunters and gatherers.
Paleolithic Period
Used basic bone and stone tools for hunting
birds and wild animals.
Paleolithic Period
Dependence on domesticated plants or animals,
Neolithic Period
Settlement in permanent villages
Neolithic Period
Paleolithic means
Old stone age
Neolithic means
New stone age
primarily survive by hunting animals, fishing, and gathering plants.
Hunting and Gathering Society
pasture animals for food and transportation
Pastoral Society
rely on cultivating fruits, vegetables, and plants
Horticultural Society
cultivating crops over large areas and raising farm animals
Agricultural Society
form of society based on ownership of land
Feudal Society
based on using machines to produce goods
Industrial Society
shaped by the human mind, aided by computer
Post-industrial Society