Biochemistry Cancers Flashcards
What is the nuclear transplant and cloning experiments ?
1) the differentiated cell nucleus can retain totipotency
2) can act as zygote
3) stimulates the production of an entire organism
Why we fuse the cells inside the egg with electric pulses?
To mirror the the fertilization process and initiate embryo development
We can clone humans
T or F
F only the animal like : mice rats cows pigs goats cats
What are the holes that we must achieved in order to produce protein that treats disease?
1)isolation of DNA (cDNA) only interims no Econ’s
2) introduction of the gene in the host cell where it is expressed
3) Growth of the host cell in commercial scale
4j purification of the genes to meet rigorous standers
6) extensive testing to establish clinical efficacy
5) Approval from the regulatory authorities for clinical use .
Host cell can. E A) Bacteria B) yeast 3) insect 4) mammalian cells All of the above
All of the above
T or F
Bacteria and yeast are easier to grow then mammalian cells
Because choice depends largely on properties of the protein as well as features of each host cell system
How we determine the vector ? Something very important
Depends on how good invade in host cells
There are two thing that help medically useful proteins ?
Recombinant DNA and expression vector
What is TPA and the important of it ?
Is tissue plasminogen activator, it helps to converts the plasminogen into plasmin that dissolve the clots ( جلطات)
And it is currently produce in the EColi
Hoe produce the HGH ?
In the pituitary at the base of the brain
H G H is not specific , T or F
F , only the human protein works
What is
Creutzfeld -Jacob infection?
Loss of supply from human organs source
Synthesis of the viral protein ( HbsAg) failed ……..abs succeed in …….
Bacteria , yeast
What are the quality of the DNA vaccines ?
1) are based on plasmids containing protein coding gene
2) have advantages for not being replicative or infectious
3) are cheaper and more staple then other vaccines
4) directly inject or fire DNA coated gold based into muscles
What is the name of measles virus ?
Alfa 1 anti trypsin in human inhibit,
Elastase , which hydrolyzes connective tissue
What is Pompe’s disease ?
( is a glycogen storage disease)
This lead to death at median age of 6 to 8 mounts and I’d diagnosed with the absesns of Alfa glucosidase activity , cardiac hypertrophy , loose of muscles strength
1) how to treat the Pompe’s disease ?
By using the transgenic of milk of the rabbit has been successfully used for treating infants
In order to step gene expression we synthesis something called (siRNA) which is double strand and it is complementary to the DNA ?
They called this strand as antisense strand it will bind complementary base pair with only that RNA so only affect that protein
In order to block the translation of MRNA ?
Using antisense RNA and siRNA
What is the signaling molecule for vessel proliferation
Is growth factor
RNAI that used in muscles degeneration ( blindness) to stop the profiration of the blood vessels is
Is used to target the mRNA for this growth factor
What is humulin and how it is made
It is a synthetic human insulin is produce by genetic engineering ,
It is synthesized by using the recombinant DNA technology .
The r DNA from human insulin is introduced to the E. coli or yeast in order to increase the production
Humulin is used to treat what disease?
Diabetes 1 and 2
What are the advantages of humulin?
1) absorbed more rapidly than animal derived insulin ( but short act)
2) less expensive then animal derived insulin
3) cause fewer immune and autoimmune reaction
Why sport person consider taking HGH?
1) increase the muscles
2) increase the Capacity of oxygen
3) decrease the obesity
4) good for fracture healing
5) stimulate the normal HGH production
6) improve the physical performance
Side affects of HGH ?
1) large bone of the abnormalities of HGH
2) pain in the muscles and the joint
3) cause heart disease
4) can cause the growth of cancerous tumor
5) cause edema
6) increase the cholesterol
7) cause numbness and tingling of the skin
Children that have deficiency in growth Harmon
Hypo secretion by the pituitary gland cause dwarfism
TPA is a medication
T or F
F , it is a part of tremendous it is used after the heart attracted to stop the cloting
How the TPA is activated?
It is activated by plasminogen to plasmin which dissolve the clots
What is the interferons ?
Are group of proteins produced by viral infected cells and acts as warning system between the infected cells and healthy system in order to activates the immune response
Beta interferons are used to treat what ?
It is used to treat multiple sclerosis, that reduced the inflammation that damage the nerves
The Antisense sequence is used to inhibit what ?
So Antisense is a sequence that is complementary to the mRNA , it combines to it and prevent if from producing proteins ,
We used it to inhibit the HIV from developing to become AIDS , by artificially making a complementary Antisense sequence and combs in it with the HIV DNA
What are the potential disadvantages of vaccine made by traditional methods ?
Replicating the virus
What are the advantages of using DNA vaccine ?
Non- replicating virus
Safety, availability , and specificity