Biochemistry Flashcards
What is the final product for glucosamylase
Lactase hydrolyzes what ?
1) lactose
2) the B bounds between
Glucose and galactose and ceramic in glycolipids
What is the thing that can’t be digest by our enzymes ?
Dietary fibers
Dietary fibers are derivative of?
1) lignin
2) cellulose, hemcellose, pectins, gum,lignin, mucilages
How digest the diatary fibers
Bacterial flora in the colon to metabolize it to (h2,co2,hc4) and short chine of fatty acids
T or false the fibers will stiffen the stool ?
Falls, it will soft it thereby will reduces the pressure of the colon wall and enhancing expulsion of fence
What is the function of hydrocloric acid .
1) break down the fibers
2) kills the bacteria
3) help in converting the peosinogen into pepsin ( it is for protein splitting enzymes)
Secretion inhabited what ?
Secretion of hydrocloric acid also the gastric emptying
Cocktail stimulates the gall bladder to release what?
Bile, in to the small intestine also the pancreatic juses that make you feel satiety
How the fibers protracted us from heart disease and stroke ?
1) the soul bel fibers will bind with the bile and theory by will lower the blood cholesterol level
2) the fibers will displace fat in the diet
Why the fibers will lower the risk 2 diabetes ?
Because it will decrease glucose absorption
What are the advantages of fibers?
1) protection from heart disease and stroke
2) reduce the risk of having 2 diabetes
3) enhance our GI track
4) controls of the eight
5) May protracted from colon cancer
What are the harmful effect of exssiseve up take of fibers?
1) displease of energy and nutrition dense
2) discomfort in abdomen and distention
3) May interface with nutrition absorption
Daily recommendation of dietary fibers
Needed by Age/ gender
Lactose intolerance ( May result in diarrhea and bowel problems).
1) primarydeficiency of lactase production
2) secondary to an injury to the intestinal mucosa where lactase is normally produced
If lactose is not absorbed is converted to what ?
1) lactic ascid , methane gas , h2