Biochem: Trisomy 21 - Develop Signaling Flashcards
What kinds of phosphorylation take place regarding regulation of the cell cycle?
Both activating and inhibiting phosphorylation are involved in cell cycle regulation. Ex. During S phase, the helicase (that was put in position on the DNA during G1) goes through activating phosphorylation to begin replication. In order for this to happen, the ORC (origin recognition complex) must be go through inhibitory phosphorylation, thus be inactivated.

What is the ubiquitin-proteasome system? How is it used in regulating the cell cycle?
a pathway that marks target proteins with polyubiquitin protein chains and then delivers that polyubiquinated target protein to the proteasome for degradation. Think of proteasomes as a barrel with a cap that only recognize certain keys in order to open. Polyubiquitination = that key. Thus, making it regulated degradation.
What is the anaphase promoting complex (APC) and what (2) substrates does it target?
APC is an E3 ubiquitin ligase that targets M-phase-cyclins for destruction by ubiquitinating the M-cyclin. M-Cdk (activated complex of M-cycle + its cyclin dependent kinase) controls (in part) the transition from metaphase to anaphase.
APC also marks securin for destruction, which results in the release of separase. This allows sister chromatids to be separated during anaphase. Failure of this separation can lead to nondisjunction and trisomy.
- Securin: keeps separase inactive
- Separase: separates sister chromatids for anaphase

What does the metaphase/anaphase transition check for? Name a ubiquitin ligase that plays an important role in this checkpoint.
this checkpoint asks “are all chromosomes attached to the spindle?” i.e. Ready to start pulling sister chromatids apart?
The anaphase promoting complex (APC) is a ubiquitin ligase that marks securin for destruction. Securin keeps separase inactive. Once separase is no longer inactivated by securin, it separates sister chromatids for anaphase = disjuncion.
proto-oncogene v. oncogene. What does “gain of function” mean?
proto-oncogenes: regulate proliferation only when proliferation is needed.
once the proto-oncogene is associated with a mutational gain of function (meaning always on), it becomes an oncogene
What is Myc? Rb? How are gain of functions and loss of functions in these associated with cancer?
Myc is a major accelerator (proto-oncogene) of cell proliferation. It is a transcription factor that induces the synthesis of G1 cyclin, which forms a C1-cdk complex. Active C1-cdk phosphorylates Rb. Rb is a tumor suppressor that puts the brakes on the cell cycle by binding and repressing the function of E2F proteins. When Rb is phosphorylated, it releases E2F allowing it to function as transcription factors.
Gain of function mutations in Myc (making it always on) overrides normal controls on cell growth. Loss of function, or inactivation, of Rb removes a negative regulator of cell growth, favoring unregulated proliferation of cancer.
Interpret this pathway. What kinds of mutations in this pathway would be associated with cancer?

You have growth factor signaling (mitogen) activating Myc. Myc activates synthesis of G1 cyclin, which interacts with its cdk. That activate kinase phosphorylates Rb. As a consequence of this phosphorylation, the E2F transcription factor that Rb is wrapped around is released and is now active.
An activating mutation of the proto-oncogene Myc and an inactivating mutation of the tumor suppressor Rb would both favor unregulated proliferation.
What is meant by the term regulators of regulators with regards to the cell cycle?
ex. M-phase cyclin starts to rise before M in G2 and then levels fall after M. This rise and fall is one layer of regulation. But during the rise, need to keep the M-Cdk complex under wraps (inactive) until ready to enter mitosis. Wee1 is a Cdk-inhibitory kinase that works by negative phosphorylation. By keeping M-Cdk inactive, the levels can build up and then all be activated at once when the regulatory negative phosphate is removed by CDC25 phosphatase.
Thus, M-cyclin regulated by Cdk. M-Cdk regulated by Wee1 and Wee1 regulated by Cdc25.

What is Wee1? How did it get its name?
Wee1 is an inhibitory kinase that negatively phosphorylates the M-phase-Cdk complex, keeping it inactive until the cell is ready for M phase. Mutational inactivation of Wee1 allows cells to progress through the cell cycle too quickly without letting growth catch up with division. Thus, the cells are smaller, or wee.
Which regulatory is the key to the G2/M transition?
Activation of the CDC25 phosphatase. When CDC25 is activated, it removes the inhibitory Wee1 from the M-Cdk complex, allowing M-Cdk to be active.
The regulatory of CDC25 is the cell asking itself: “Am I large enough to divide?”

What effects can DNA damage have on cell cycle progression (what 3 kinases specifically)?
Signals of DNA damage will inhibit the pro-proliferative action of the G1/S-Cdk and S-Cdk kinases going into S-phase. This is b/c you don’t want to start any synthesis until you’ve repaired the DNA damage. DNA damage will also inhibit the activating function of CDC25 on M-Cdk. Don’t want to go through mitosis with damaged DNA. ALL this regulation is done through kinases and phosphatases.
What is p53? How has it earned its name of guardian of the genome? How fdoes MDM2 relate to this?
p53 is the “granddaddy” tumor suppressor gene, which under normal circumstances remains is kept at low levels by MDM2. MDM2 is ubiquitin ligase that ubiquinates p53 resulting in its degradation. But, when p53 is phosphorylated in response to DNA damage, it is no longer recognized by MDM2, letting p53 levels build up in an activated state.
Active p53 is a transcription factor that induces the expression of p21 and other proteins that suppress cell cycle progression. This action of p53 gives cells time to fix DNA damage before replication or mitosis = guardian of the genome.

What happens to p53 in the absence of DNA damage?
p53 is still being made, but its being degraded by the ubiquitin ligase MDM2. Only in response to DNA damage is p53 phosphorylated such that MDM2 no longer recognizes it for degradation. Then it can go on to inhibit the proliferative activity of various kinases, to give the cell time to repair DNA damage.
What’s the cell’s first response to DNA damage? What happens if the damage is too great to repair?
First thing that happens in response to DNA damage is to arrest S-phase to give cell time to repair damage (p53 action). If that doesn’t work, it’s cell death.
Describe the abnormal differentiation of myeloid progenitor cells in chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML).
in CML, the common myeloid progenitors (CMPs) take a mutational hit that activates the Brc-Abl oncogene. Brc-Abl transforms CMPs into blast cells that have 1) disregulated proliferation and 2) inability to differentiate into erythrocytes and megakaryocytes, but still able to differentiate into mature WBCs.
blast cells: transformed immature precursors.
In chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML), what lineages of the myeloid progenitor cells are disrupted and which remain intact? What sx are related to CML?
In CML, the Brc-Abl oncogene transforms the common myeloid progenitor (CMP) into blast cells, which are unable to differentiate into erythroid or megakaryocytic lineages, but can still differentiate into mature WBCs.
This leads to sx of fever, fatigue, and bleeding.
What is the Philadelphia (Ph) chromosome? How does the Ph chromosome cause chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML)?
The Ph chromosome is formed from a balanced, reciprocal translocation between chromosomes 9 and 22. This mutation takes a proto-oncogene, the Abl-kinase, and converts it into an oncogene, Brc-Abl. Fusion of Brc and Abl results in a dis-regulated Abl kinase that drives the proliferation of the CML clone at the early stages of the disease (chronic myelogenous leukemia).
Sketch a karyotype of an individual with the Philadelphia chromosome.
Balanced, reciprocal translocation between chromosomes 9 and 22.

What is Imatinib and what is its target? How does it work?
Imatinib is a highly specific inhibitor of the Bcr-Abl kinase, the oncogene that is the major driving force behind the abnormal properties of the CML clone at the early stages of the disease.
A protein kinase, such as Bcr-Abl, has two substrates it works on: ATP and the target protein. Though you might expect Imatinib to target the protein substrate binding, it instead blocks ATP binding. And you get enough selectivity with this for clinical benefit.
What laboratory test would be used to detect complete molecular remission of chronic myelogenous leukemia?
PCR (polymerase chain reaction) = doing DNA synthesis in a test tube. Involves multiple rounds of DNA denaturation (melting), annealing, and then extension. The boundaries of the Bcr and Abl segments have been defined by bound primers, so by the time you’re in the 3rd cycle of PCR, you’re only replicating the single, small fragment.
Idea is to produce enough of this fragment to be able to visualize it on electrophoresis gel. A major molecular response = 10,000-fold reduction in the philadelphia chrom (detectable BcrAbl). Means you have knocked that clonal cell responsible for the mutation way, way down.
What is a nucleosome?
Nucleosomes are the primary unit of DNA packaging in the human nucleus. Each nucleosome consists of 8 histone proteins arounjd which the DNA wraps ~1.5 times. The tails of each histone project out of the nucleosome and are subject to various modifications, including methylation and acetylation. Nucleosomes are linked by 60-80 base-pairs of DNA bound by histone H1. H1 plays an important role in bringing nucleosomes together in more compact, higher order structures.
Using +/-, conceptualize the interactions of histones with DNA. What effect does acetylation have on histones? Deacetylation?
Histones are highly basic, with 20-50% of them composed of Lys and Arg. Lys and Arg both have high pKs and will be in the conjugated acid state at physiological pH, which gives them a + charge. Ex. Lys end will be -NH3+
Acetylation of histones adds an acetyl grp (C=OCH3) to the N of Lys. This neutralizes the + charge, reducing the # of ionic bonds stabilizing the interactions of the histones with DNA. Thus, histone acetylation = loosening DNA = transcription activation. Conversely, histone deactylases stabilize nucleosomes and reduce gene expression.
Provide a rationale for how different cell types arise from a common DNA blueprint.
The concept of genomic equivalence is that every cell in the human body (excluding gametes) has the same set of genes as every other cell.
Genomic equivalence was proven in 1997 when Dolly the sheep was cloned by inserting the nucleus of a somatic adult sheep cell into an enucleated egg. Proof that DNA within the differentiated cell contained all necessary info to create every cell in a new animal!
What is the initiation codon of mRNA? What amino acid does it code for?
AUG = methionine
What are the 3 termination codons of mRNA?
With regards to transcriptional regulation, what are enhancers and what (2) things do they do? What are cis-acting sequences and trans-acting factors?
Enhancers are regulatory elements that control gene expression from specific promoters (where, when and how much). Enhancers do (2) things: open up gene sequence AND binds with mediator, which facilitates RNA polym II to bind
cis-acting sequences: DNA sequences that are recognized by a trans-acting factor. It is not coding anything, but is simply a binding region for the trans-acting factor.
trans-acting factors: whether the enhancer functions, and how it functions, will be dictated by trans-acting factors recruited to the enhancer sites in DNA.
What affects which trans-acting factors will be expressed in a given cell? What is the significance of this? Give an example.
Trans-acting factors are expressed in a tissue-specific manner, so the variety of trans-acting factors that are expressed differ per the specific tissue and cell.
It is the different transcription factors binding to regulatory elements in DNA that dictate whether a gene is turned on or off in a particular cell.
ex. gene with both brain and limb specific enhancers. In limb cell, its no longer expressing the brain-specific protein and only expressing the limb-specific protein.

What does RNA polymerase II do? What are promoter sequences? What does the mediator complex do?
Responsible for synthesis (transcription) of mRNA in a eukaryotic cell. RNA Pol II recognizes promoter sequences–such as the TATA box and the INR (initiation region).
The mediator complex is a series of proteins that helps RNA Pol II to bind. The mediator complex links enhancers with promoter sequences.

What is histone acetyltransferase? How is it related to cis-acting sequences and trans-acting factors?
histone acetyltransferase is a chromatin remodeling enzyme that makes regulatory regions of mRNA more accessible

What are the (5) overall steps of transcription?
- Trans-acting factors bind to cis-acting sequences of the enhancer
- These factors recruit histone acetyltransferase enzymes to open up the chromatin, making the promoter accessible
- The mediator binds to the enhancer, linking the enhancer and promoter
- RNA pol II–assisted by the mediator–binds to the promoter
- stable transcription pre-initiation complex is formed

What are the (3) types of mutations known to affect splicing? What type of mutation has no effect?
(3) non-synonymous mutations (change the code in some way):
- missense mutation
- frameshift mutation
- nonsense mutation
(1) synonmous mutation (doesn’t change the code) = silent mutation
What is a missense mutation? Give an ex.
changing one amino acid to another. Typically associated with changing the 3-letter code.
A missense mutation in the globin gene → Hemoglobinopathy. Ex. GUG replacing GAG substitutes Valine for Gluatmic acid = Sickle Cell
What is a frameshift mutation? A nonsense mutation? As an example, what can these lead to in expression of the globin gene?
frameshift: reading frame has shifted. Ex. If sequence was supposed to be GTT-ACT and you remove the G, sequence is now TTA-CTG. Coding for whole diff amino acids!
Nonsense: mutation leading to one of the 3 termination sequences → premature termination.
Both of these mutations in the globin gene → Thalassemia b/c it will be the incorrect expression of the globin protein. No matter what, it will not make the right beta-globin.
How can protein diversity be achieved in humans when we have an apparent lack of protein-coding genes? Give an example.
alternative splicing allows us to make multiple forms of a protein from a single gene.
Ex. Tropomyosin is slightly diff between skeletal muscle, smooth m., and its role in fibroblasts. So rather than having multiple diff genes encoding for these various forms of Tropomyosin. Alternative splicing on a single alpha-Tropomyosin gene codes for 5 different proteins.
What would happen to a coding sequence if an intron failed to splice out appropriately?
Introns must be spliced out perfectly. If you miss it by even 1 base, you will cause a frameshift mutation. Mutations that affect conserved sequence elements (sequences required for splicing, or intron removal) can cause human disease
What is epigenetic regulation? Provide an example.
epigenetic regulation: DNA methylation as a regulator of gene expression. Cytosine can be methylated to 5-methylcytosine, which → repression of gene expression.
Ex. in adult RBCs, the gene encoding beta-globin is unmethylated, whereas in other cell types not producing hemoglobin, the beta-globin gene is highly methylated.
Name (2) mechanisms by which cytosine methylation functions as transciprtional repression. What is MeCP2?
- steric hindrance - methylated cytosine residues sterically interfere with the binding of a transcription factor necessary for a gene to be expressed
- condensing chromatin - MeCP2 (methyl cytosine ‘binding’ protein 2) recognizes methylcytosine residues, binds, and recruits histone deactylases, which condense chromatin AND histone methylases where the histone code specifies transcriptional repression.
What are carbohydrates? Identify glucose in its ring conformation. How do you identify whether glucose is in its alpha- or beta-anomeric state?
Carbohydrates are carbons that are hydrated (CHOH or CH2O) and have either an aldehyde or ketone.
Glucose has 6 C’s and an aldehyde group (C’1) that can be attacked by C’5 to form the ring structure. Once in the ring structure, C’1 is called the anomeric carbon. It is asymmetric. If the hydroxyl grp is:
- down = alpha
- up = beta

What is distinguishable about the anomeric carbon in a glucose ring? How can you use that to identify it as glucose?
The anomeric carbon (C’1) is the only carbon in the ring bonded to two Oxygens.
If you see the anomeric carbon on the right, the orientation of the hydroxyl groups on C2-C5 will be down, up, down, up.

What are epimers of carbohydrates? Identify the C2 and C4 epimers of glucose.
epimers of carbohydrates just have a single position inverted.
Glucose C’s = 2-down, 3-up, 4-down, 5-up.
galactose = C4 epimer of glucose. -OH is up
mannose = C2 epimer of glucose. -OH is up
Distinguish D-glucuronic acid from L-iduronic acid.
These 2 are epimers with a single inversion at the C’5 position. Product of when glucose is oxidized aT the C’6 grp to COO-.
D-Glucuronic acid (GlcUA) (left) has COO- grp up. Glucuronic acid is found in the liver; used to modify bilirubin.
L-iduronic acid (IdUA) (right) has C’5 inversion; COO- = down.

Outline the pathway by which proteins enter the secretory pathway.
For a protein to become glycosylated, it has to enter the secretory pathway, which is the pathway proteins take as they are secreted from the cell.
Proteins that are destined for secretion from the cell will have a signal at their extreme amino-terminus = signal peptide. If a protein has a signal peptide, it will be directed into the lumen of the ER. And as ER buds off lipid vesicles and they move through the Golgi, those vesicles are secreted proteins. When those vesicles merge with the plasma membrane, they disgorge their contents = default pathway.
Ex. Wnt is a secreted protein (morphogen). All that Wnt has to get to its location is a signal peptide. That’s it!
Once a protein enters the secretory pathway, how does it end up being secreted from the cell v. achieving a particular orientation in the plasma membrane? Give an example.
In addition to the signal peptide, which directs proteins into the secretory pathway, proteins can also have a stop transfer sequence. This signal tells it stop translocation across the plasma membrane, so they become a part of the membrane.
Ex. Notch is a plasma membrane protein, so it has those 2 signals.
Describe the role of dolichol moiety in the rxn catalyzed by oligosaccharide transferase.
Dolichol is a lipid that is extremely hydrophobic (note the pyrophosphate on the end). This dolichol anchors the core oligosacchraride in the ER membrane.
Oligosaccharide transferase waits on lumenal side of the ER membrane for an Asp-X-Ser and an Asn-X-Thr (beginning of polypeptide chain) to come through. It’s substrate is the 14-residue core oligosaccharide + the dolichol. This enzyme transfers the core oligosacchraide from dolichol to the growing polypeptide chain.

Solve the conundrum that even though all N-linked oligosaccharides begin with the same 14-residue structure, they differ dramatically in number and composition of saccharide units when they reach their final cellular location.
Diversity of oligosaccharide structures achieved by extensive processing that includes both trimming and monosaccharide (carbohydrate) addition. Specific steps in processing occur in different compartments of the secretory pathway–i.e. adding in ER, then trimming in Golgi, etc.
How are core oligosaccharides added in the synthesis of glycoproteins?
core oligosaccharides are added to an Asn-X-Ser or Asn-X-Thr cotranslationally = as the polypeptide chain is moving through.
“X” refers to any amino acid. Asn = asparagine
What is a glycoprotein? What is a N-linked glycosylation? What are the two main classes of N-linked oligosaccharides found in mature glycoproteins? What defines each?
Glycoproteins: proteins containing covalently linked oligosaccharides that lack a serially repeating unit.
N-linked glycosylation: oligosaccharides linked to Asparagine (Asn) residues found with the sequence context: Asn-X-Ser or Asn-X-Thr, where X = any amino acid.
(2) main classes of N-linked oligosaccharides = high manose (harder to define) and complex (defined by presence of sialic acid).
What is the function of glycosylation?
It protects proteins from proteolytic degradation. Ex. one cell with its collection of different carbohydrate “flags” might be saying, ‘Hey, I’m a neuron.’ While another cell with different carb flags on its surface is saying that it’s a RBC.
Absence of which molecule causes I-cell disease? What is the result?
I-cell disease is caused by absence of the mannose-6-phosphate modification that signals for lysosomal hydrolyzes to be delivered into lysosomes.
Without this modification, lysosomes are recieving all this material they’re supposed to be turning over, but don’t have the hydrolyzes to do it. They eventually become constipated and form these inclusion bodies (“I cell”). Eventually lyse and release acidic contents that kill the cells. These kids have substantial mental and physical disabilities and die early in life.
If mom has type O blood and her baby has type A, how would that cause prolonged jaundice in the newborn infant?
Jaundice caused by transient mixing of mom and baby’s blood during birth. For a little while, mom’s serum is destroying baby’s RBCs. Why?
Because mom’s RBCs have neither antigen. Means she will recognize baby’s cell antigens as foreign and mount an immune response.
What are the terminal antigens in the ABO blood system?
- Type A = N-Acetyl galactosamine (GlcNAc).
- Type B = galactose. Remember! Galactose is a C4 epimer of glucose
- Type O = no antigen on O

What do each of the 4 blood types recognize as foreign (i.e. make antibodies against)? Which blood type is a universal acceptor.
Following blood types make antibodies → against:
- O → A & B
- A → B
- B → A
- AB → no one = universal acceptor!
What is the difference between a glycoprotein and proteoglycan?
glycoprotein is a protein with some carbohydrate attached to it. Glycoproteins lack a serially repeating unit.
proteoglycan is predominately carbohydrate where the protein is a much smaller constituent. The carbohydrate content of proteoglytcans is usually >95%.
Proteoglycans are one of two classes of Mucopolysaccharides; the other being Glycosaminoglycans
General structure of glycosaminoglycans
glycosaminoglycans are a disaccharide repeat (two sugars repeated over and over again). In position A is usually a sugar acid (carbohydrate acid) (ex. glucuronic acid). In B position, it’s typically an amino sugar (ex. N-acetyl galactosamine).
The acid component will have a caboxylic acid grp and the amino sugar often has a sulfate group. At phys pH, this makes glycosaminoglycans highly negatively charged.

Name 4 general properties of glycosaminoglycans
- highly negatively charged at physiological pH due to sulfate and carboxy acid grps
- charge repulsion and inflexibility of repeating units makes them occupy huge volume relative to their mass
- absorb large amounts of water, creating swelling pressure that resists compression
- because they are highly hydrated, diffusion of water molecules occurs rapidly through structures containing glycosaminoglycans
What is the molecular defect in Mucopolysaccharidoses? Why do the diseases have certain common and distinguishing features? Give an example.
Mucopolysaccharidoses: diverse group of disorders resulting from defects in the degradation of glycosaminoglycans = lysosomal storage disease. Because glycosaminoglycans are found a lot in connective tissue, these tend to be CT diseases b/c you’re not turning over mucopolysaccharides properly.
Diseases are classified on basis of enzyme defect. For ex. both Hurler’s and Scheie have a deficiency of alph-iduronidase with accumulated glycosaminoglycans of dermatan sulfate and heparan sulfate. However, since Hurler’s is an autosomal recessive disease, BOTH genes are affected resulting in profound reduction of the enzyme = worse sx, such as mental retardation. Whereas Scheie (heterozygous) has normal intelligence.
Name the unusual amino acid composition of most collagens. What function does that composition serve?
33% glycine, 15% proline or hydroxyproline. Collagen has 1000+ repeats of Gly-X-Y, where Y = HyPro (hydroxyproline) or HyLys (hydroxylysine)
Because it has so much proline in it, it will not form an alph-helix. The glycine repeat allows the triple helices of a collagen to have close packing together (b/c Gly = super small!)
How can a defect inthe hydroxylation of proline or lysine residues in collagen affect collagen stability? Give an example of a diet-induced disease that affects the hydroxylation of collagen polypeptides.
Explain how gene transcription can be affected by cell to cell contact using Notch signaling as an example.
Notch signaling = exposing latent transcription factors in response to contact with appropriate cells.
Notch is a transmembrane protein. When notch interacts with a protein ligand on a different cell, notch is cleaved and its cytoplasmic part is released. The nuclear targeting signal on this domain directs it to the nucleus where it stimulates transcription of notch target genes.
Takeaway: latent notch only becomes activated to initiate transcription when it comes in contact with appropriate cells.
Why is Wnt classified as an autocrine/paracrine factor?
Wnt is a morphogen acting over relatively small distances during development in an autocrine/paracrine manner: It functions in regeneration of the skin and regeneration of the intestinal cells.
- morphogen: signaling proteins that are expressed from a particular cell and will auto-regulate either that cell or work on nearby cells. They work on concentration gradients
- autocrine: regulating its own cell type
- paracrine: regulating cells nearby
Clarify relationship between APC/C and APC.
APC/C = anaphase promoting complex/cyclosome. Functions as the E3 ubiquitin ligase for M-phase cyclin and separin.
APC = adenomatosis polyposis coli. A major tumor suppressor that is inactivated in most pts with adenomatosis polyposis colon cancer.
Describe the pathway through which Wnt functions to activate expression of certain genes. What kind of mutation leads to colon cancer?
Wnt uncovers a latent transcription factor, beta-catenin. Beta-catenin opens up chromatin for transcription:
- Normally, beta catenin is bound in a complex with APC (adenomatosis polyposis coli: tumor suppressor). This APC complex targets beta-catenin for degradation
- When Wnt is present, it binds to receptors on the complex and draws the kinases away, so that beta-catenin is no longer degraded.
- Now, beta-catenin can enter the nucleus and activate Wnt target genes.
If beta-catenin has a gain of function mutation, or Wnt signaling is always on, you can get colon cancer b/c beta-catenin is NOT being degraded.