Biochem: Nucleotide Synth - DNA Repair Flashcards
What is pRpp? How is it involved in nucleotide synthesis reactions?
pRpp = phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate. It is formed during Step 1 of Purine Synthesis–Activation of the C1’ carbon–when ribose phosphate pyrophosphate kinase transfers a pyrophosphate from ATP to ribose-5’-phosphate. This activation reaction creates free energy available to do work of forming the N-glycosidic bond (Step 2 of purine synthesis)
In what other reactions does pRpp participate? How is it that pRpp stands at a metabolic crossroads? What implications does this have for regulatory processes of purine synthesis?
the pRpp molecule (phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate) is not only used for the synthesis of purines, but also for the synthesis of (3) others: pyrimidines, and two amino acids Histidine and Tryptophan. Thus, pRpp has a number of different fates = “metabolic crosscroads”
How does pRpp influence regulation of purine synthesis?
pRpp influences enzyme activity by feedforward (stimulatory) activity. (green arrow). Thus, increasing the concentration of pRpp can overcome other regulatory activity of purine synthesis, such as the feedback inhibition exerted by the end-product nucleotides, Adenine and Guanine.
Interpret these graphs.
APRT = enzyme that converts IMP into either Adenoside or Guanine monophosphates (AMP & GMP).
Plotting APRT enzyme activity relative to [] of its two substrates (glutamine and pRpp) shows that the ultimate regulatory behavior is exerted through binding pRpp = sigmoidal curive. Guanine and adenine nucleotides individually shift the curve to the right. When added together (GXP & AXP), curve shifts more to right. However, increasing the [pRpp] can override the regulatory effects of GXP & AXP = feedforward activation
What is the committed step in purine synthesis? Which enzyme is involved in this step and what products are formed?
The formation of the N-glycosidic bond (step 2) is the committed step in purine synthesis pathway. In this rxn, amidophosphoribosyl transferase enzyme transfers an amide nitrogen from side chain of glutamine to C1’ of pRpp, releasing the pyrophosphate and forming phosphoribosylamine.
What disease is caused by HGPRT deficiency. Explain how deficiency of this enzyme influences de novo purine synthesis and subsequent effects on purine catabolism.
HGPRT (hypoxanthine/guanine phosphoribosyl transferase) = 1 of 2 enzymes involved in purine salvage pathways, which is process of cells recycling nitrogenous bases for making their own purines, rather than relying on getting them from diet).
Lesch Nyhan syndrome is a X-linked disease caused by HGPRT deficiency. Without HGPRT, pRpp levels increase, which causes an increase in purine synthesis (feedforward activation). Subsequently, there is an increase in purine catabolism and buildup of the end product–uric acid–leading to the symptoms of Lesch Nyhan syndrome.
What are the clinical manifestations of Lesch Nyhan syndrome? Deficiency of what enzyme causes this disease?
Lesch Nyhan (LN) syndrome is an X-linked disease caused by deficiency of HGPRT enzyme. This is one of two enzymes involved in purine salvage pathways.
Deficiency of HGPRT → increased pRpp → increased purine synthesis → increased purine catabolism → higher uric acid levels
LN manifestations = gout-like sx (due to high uric acid), and neurological abnormalities with a predilection towards self mutilation, such as chewing off one’s fingers and lips (cause unknown)
Why can uracil, and not cytidine, be used to treat orotic aciduria?
Phosphorylated compounds seldom make good drugs because they are highly charged and, thus, do not enter cells well. Uridine, on the other hand, can enter cells and be posphorylated to UMP through the pyrimidine salvage pathway. Whereas UMP can be used to synthesize CMP, the reverse is not true. So cytidine cannot be used as a source of UMP within cells.
Uracil alleviates symptoms caused BOTH by the lack of pyrimidines and by the accumulation of orotic acid.
What does ribonucleotide reductase do?
An enzyme that reduces the 2’ carbon of ribose from -OH to -H, making deoxyribose. The reducing is accomplished by 2 thiol groups (S-H) on the enzyme that give up their H’s and form a disulfide bond (S-S). (Thus, the 2 thiols get oxidized, while ribonucleotide gets reduced!)
Ribonucleoside v. Ribonucleotide
RibonucleoSide = base + carbohydrate without the phosphate
RibonucleoTide = base + carbohydrate + phosphate
What is Hydroxyurea and what is its target?
Hydroxyurea is a cancer chemotherapeutic agent (anti-neoplastic) that is a bone marrow suppressant: suppresses WBC production and, thus, reduces inflammation.
It does one thing only, which is to quench the tyrosine radical that is essential to the functioning of the enzyme ribonucleotide reductase. If this enzyme doesn’t work, then can’t produce deoxyribonucleotides and cells can’t divide. And cells dividing the most = bone marrow
What is the overall importance of folic acid derivatives to the synthesis of both purines and pyrimidines?
Folic acid = 1 carbon metabolism for deoxyribonucleotide and ribonucleotide synthesis, which is essential for DNA replication. Folid acid is the vitamin precursor (COENZYME) for:
- N10-formyl-THF, needed for two of the carbons in the purine ring (they come in as 1-carbon units)
- N5,N10-methylene tetrahydrofolate = 1 of 2 substrates used by enzyme, thymidylate synthase to convert U to T (pyrimidines). N5,N10-methylene THF gives a CH3 to the C’5 of U, converting it to T, while N5N10 gets oxidized to dihydrofolate.
What is a unique aspect of folic acid metabolism in the synthesis of thymidine?
N5N10 -methylene THF, a folic acid derivative, is used by thymidylate synthase to give a methylene to U (uracil), which converts it into T (thymidine). In the process of giving this methylene, N5N10 gets oxidized to dihydrofolate. This is the ONLY reaction in the human body where a folic acid derivative gets oxidized from tetrahydrofolate to dihydrofolate.
Thus, cells making large amounts of thymidine need the capacity to recycle dihydrofolate back to active tetrahydrofolate = enzyme dihydrofolate reductase
Why is leucovorin used after methotrexate as an antidote to rescue patients, but is also used with fluorouracil to enhance fluorouracil’s mechanism of action?
All relates to their mechanisms of action. With fluorouracil, elevated amounts of THF will push the production of that tied-up intermediate, which ultimately leads to the suicide of thymidylate synthase.
But with methotrexate, the synthesis of amino acids and purines/pryimidines is being shut down, leading to cell death. Leucovorin comes in at the last minute and restores the THF pools, so cells can recover.
What is fluorouracil and what is its target?
5’-fluorouracil is a suicide inhibitor used as an anti-cancer drug. It targets the thymidylate synthase reaction. The conversion of U to T ultimately reaches a state where thymidylate synthase, dUMP, and methyleneTHF are all bound up in a complex that can only be released with the extraction of the proton at C’5. But w/ fluorouracil replacing dUMP, the F at C’5 cannot be extracted, leaving the complex tied up and ultimately killing the enzyme’s activity. Cell can’t get Thymine, can’t get other dNTPs = apoptosis.
Side effects = bone marrow suppression, GI distress, and hair loss (cells in hair follicles can’t divide and die)
What does dihydrofolate reductase do?
It’s an enzyme that uses NADPH to reduce dihydrofolate to tetrahydrofoalte. This is important in the thymidylate synthase reaction, where N5N10-THF gets oxidized to dihydrofolate in the process of converting U to T. **Note, that ONLY dividing cells are dependent on activity of dihydrofolate reductase. Thus, it is another target for cancer chemotherapy = methotrexate.
How does methotrexate work? What is its target?
Methotrexate is a cancer chemotherapeutic drug that binds the enzyme dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) with a 1,000-fold higher affinity than the enzyme binds to its substrate, dihydrofolate. Selectively inactivating this enzyme will deplete thymine production, shutting down DNA replication and, thus, cell division. (Remember, only dividing cells are dependent on the activity of DHFR)
How are methotrexate and leucovorin used in cancer treatment?
They are used to treat childhood leukemias, by giving children a lethal dose of methotrexate, then rescuing the pt with leucovorin (methyl-THF). The methotrexate inhibits the recycling of DHF back to THF (by the activity of DHFR), thereby shutting down purine/pyrimidine synthesis, leading to cell death. NOT just the tumor, but all cells in body will die. Leucovorin comes in as the rescue, rapidly restoring the THF pools and normal cells can recover.
What is leucovorin and how is it used?
Leucovorin is N5-methyl-THF. It is used as a rescue in childhood leukemias. After methotrexate has killed a lot of the dividing cells by shutting down THF recycling, leucovorin comes in and restores the THF pools. It is also used to enhance the activity of Fluorouracil. With elevated amounts of THF, more and more enzyme/methylene-THF/fluoruracil knots are made, inhibiting and killing the thymidylate synthase enzyme.
N5-methyl THF –> methionine (amino acid) + THF
What is dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase? How is it related to treatment with 5-fluorouracil?
Dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase is an enzyme that works on pyrimidine catabolism (either U or T). 2-8% of the population has mild deficiency of this enzyme, and if you treat them w/ fluorouracil, you can kill them. Because of their inability to catabolize pyrimidine derivatives, they’ll get unusually high amounts of fluoro-deoxyuracil in cells = life-threatening toxicity.
What function do the activity site and specificity site on Ribonucleotide Reductase serve?
The activity site = on/off switch for overall enzyme activity.
- ATP binding to this site = on
- dATP binding = off (b/c all other dNTPs have been produced in sufficient amounts)
The specificity site regulates substrate selection and assures balanced production of the four dNTPs. Important b/c imbalances in dNTP levels confuse DNA polymerase and can cause errors in replication
Explain how the regulation of ribonucleotide reductase activity contributes to the clinical manifestations of adenosine deaminase deficiency.
ADA (adenosine deaminase deficiency) leads to SCIDS. Deficiency of the ADA enzyme that deaminates AMP to IMP leads to increased dAMP (b/c ADA only works on AMP and not dAMP). Both B and T lymphocytes have a lot of nucleotide kinases. These hyperactive lymphocyte kinases will then phosphorylate all that dAMP to dATP. And with increased dATP, ribonucleotide reductase will believe it has enough dNTPs and choke off production of C, G, and T = inhibited cell replication. Pt’s have affected ability to mount immune response involving B and T lymphocytes.
What happens in ribonucleotide reductase when ATP binds to the specificity site?
binding of ATP to the specificity site stimulates reduction of either UDP or CDP by the active site. The dCDP is converted to dCTP, while UDP ultimately gets converted to dTTP.
dTTP then binds to the specificity site…