BioChem 2.4 Proteins Flashcards
What are biological proteins composed of?
Biological proteins are made up of 20 different types of amino acids.
Where do our cells get the amino acids?
Amino acids can be found through our diet and nutrients. Some amino acids can also be synthesized by human cells.
How are amino acids considered polar or nonpolar?
Whether amino acids are polar or nonpolar depends on their variable group (R group). Polar makes them hydrophilic. Non Polar makes them hydrophobic.
How does the polarity of an amino acid affect enzyme solubility?
The outer layer of an enzyme contains polar (hydrophilic) amino acids. This helps to make the enzyme soluble.
How does the polarity of an amino acid affect membrane proteins?
The inner pore of a membrane channel will contain polar amino acids, while the amino acids in contact with the lipid bilayer will be nonpolar. This keeps the protein from floating away.
How does the polarity of an amino acid affect proteins stability?
The inner layer of proteins will contain many non polar amino acids that help to stabilize the shape of a soluble protein.
Where do most organisms assemble their proteins from?
Most organisms have proteins that consist of the same 20 amino acids. There are a few exceptions that are likely to come from distant evolutionary relatives.
How do amino acids link together?
Amino acids link through condensation reaction, forming a peptide bond to make a dipeptide or polypeptide.
How are amino acids joined together in cells?
In cells, amino acids are joined by free ribosomes or by ribosomes attached to the RER.
What is the significance of the sequence of amino acids in polypeptides in living organisms?
The sequence of amino acids in polypeptides are codes for the genes.
What is the primary structure of protein structure?
Primary structure is a sequence of amino acids. The molecule is called a polypeptide.
What is the secondary structure of protein structure?
Secondary structure is the folding of the polypeptide to a combination of spiralled alpha helices and pleated beta sheets. They are held together by hydrogen bonds.
What is the tertiary structure of protein structure?
Tertiary structure is the chain folding into a specific 3D structure. The structure is held together by a number of different kinds of bonds.
What is the quaternary structure of protein structure?
A quaternary structure does not always occur. This occurs when two or more proteins in tertiary structure are bonded together to make 1 molecule.
What does the quaternary structure involve to form a conjugated protein?
To form a conjugated protein, the quaternary structure involves the binding of a prosthetic group.