Bio Terms #5 Flashcards
Cell takes up foreign genetic material, resulting in stable change (exogenous)
Building blocks of DNA and RNA, nitrogenous base, pentose sugar, and phosphate group
Semiconservative Model
DNA is duplicated to create 2 double stranded DNA’s then unwind to be a template for a new strand
Replication Fork
Y shaped, DNA double helix splits into 2 stands for copying
Enzyme, separates DNA + RNA into sing strands by breaking hydrogen bonds between base pairs
Enzyme, controls DNA by breaking and rejoining strands to remove supercoiling
DNA Polymerase
Enzyme, DNA replication by catalyzing synthesis by adding nucleotides to existing DNA strand
single-stranded nucleic acid sequence that acts as a starting point for DNA synthesis (foundation of DNA Polymerase)
Leading Strand
strand that is synthesized continuously during DNA replication
Lagging Strand
strand synthesized discontinuously in short fragments, opposite direction of replication fork
Okazaki Fragments
short DNA sequences created when lagging strand is synthesized discontinuously
Mismatch Repair
Corrects DNA errors (deletions, insertions, and mis-incorporated bases)
Nucleotide Excision Repair
remove DNA lesions caused by UV lights environments and some cancer
specialized region of repetitive DNA sequence located at end of chromosomes
dense, found in centimeters and telomeres containing repetitive DNA sequence (transcriptional inactive)
Loosely packed complex of DNA and protein in the nucleus (transcriptional active)