Bio Quiz Flashcards
Cell Theory
- All known living things are made up of one or more cells
- All living cells arise from pre-existing cells by division.
- The cell is the fundamental unit of structure and function in all living organisms/ the cell is the basic building block of life
Characterises of Living Things
- Made of cells
- Need energy (food)
- Metabolize (break food down)
- Produce waste
- Reproduce
- Respond to changes around them
- Grow
- Have a lifespan
What Happens in the Cell Cycle?
G1- Cell growth
S- DNA replication
G2 - Preparation for Mitosis
look at notes
Why does cell division happen
growth, repair, reproduction
Atoms, Molecules, Organelles, Cells, Tissue, Organs, Body System, and Organisms.
Types of Tissues
- Epithelial Tissue (sensory function ex: skin and the lining of the digestive system)
- Connective Tissue (supports and old various parts of the body together ex: cartilage, bone, fat, blood)
- Muscle Tissue (groups of cells that provides movement ex: heart, digestive track)
- Nervous Tissue (cells that allow communication between all body structures ex: brain, spinal cord)
what is cancer?
Cells have multiple genes that control when/how often they divide. If one of these genes is damaged (mutated) the cell can begin dividing at an uncontrolled rate.
when cancer cells break away from the original, primary tumour and create another secondary tumour elsewhere is the body.
Cancer diagnostics:
Biopsy, Endoscopy/colonoscopy, x-ray, CT/CAT scan, ultra sound, and MRI
Cancer Treatment
Chemotherapy, surgery, radation, targeted drugs.
Sugery Pro/Con
a) Surgery
PRO: remove the cancerous tissue
CON: difficult to guarantee complete removal
Chemotherapy Pro/Con
b) Chemotherapy
PRO: Administer system-wide drug to slow/stop rapid cell division
CON: inhibits/kills healthy cells that rapidly divide
Radiation Pro/Con
c) Radiation
PRO: Blast tumour with deadly dose of radiation
CON: kills healthy cells and/or exposes them to carcinogenic
Targeted Drugs
d) Targeted drugs
Multiple modes of action possible:
tag cancer cells so immune system attacks them
penetrate cancer cells and inhibit division
CON: new technology, unexplored consequences