Bio lab Flashcards
Subject under study, context for work reported, & hypothesis under investigation (including variables)
Materials and Methods
Explains how study is carried out & explain each control
describes data trends
explain and interpret results in light of what’s being studied
Format of lab report
Times New Roman, 12-pt font, double spaced, 1-inch margins
Honor Code
I pledge that I have given nor received unauthorized assistance on this assignment and it is entirely my own creative work
Objective vs. Subjective
Objective observations can be verified, subjective observations are observer specific
How independent variable will effect dependent variable. Must be testable
Occam’s Razor
if there are several explanations that might fit an observation, the simplest is most probable & therefore best
polysaccharide compound found in cell walls of red algae. Causes medium to stay in place
Unicellular; lack membrane bound organelles
Reproduction: mainly asexual
Feeding: absorption
Nitrogen fixation: convert nitrogen from atmosphere into usable forms
2 types: Photosynthetic & chemsynthetic
bacteria obtain their energy through oxidation of inorganic substances
small spheres
cork-screw shaped
Blue-green algae or Cyanobacteria
possess chlorophyll a
Types of cyanobacteria (blue-green algae)
Unicellular: gloeocapsa
Colonial: oscillatoria
eukaryotic, heterotrophic & generally multicellular
2-3 mm wide colonies, opaque, off-white sometimes yellow. Gram-positive (purple) will be seen in bunches [think “staph” infection
Forms tiny colonies less than 1 mm, off-white transparent. Gram positive. [think “strept” throat
Forms large colonies over 3mm, usually off-white, opaque, waxy-looking. Gram-positve
2-3 mm wide, transparent off white, foul smelling, wet-looking. Gram-negative rods. Common in intestines [think E.coli]
yellow-green, green, or blue-green pigment diffuses onto medium
large colonies 4 mm wide, white & glistening & raised, large oval cells
characteristically hairy-looking. Stains show hyphae (broken ends and size distinguish them from bacilli
Gram stain
positive= thick cell wall negative= thin cell wall
Protists kingdom
contains many eukaryotic single celled and colonial organisms. Most artificial of all kingdoms
Protist: Paramecium
single celled organism belonging to the phylum Ciliophora. Have hair-like cilia
oral groove
fluids and food particles are forced here by movement of the paramecium’s cilia
lower end of oral groove where food particles accumulate
food vacuole
envelops food particles. Digestive enzymes from lysosomes enter and digest food
Anal pore
where food vacuole migrates, attaches then empties
contractile vacuoles
remove excess fluids from cell (paramecium has 1 at each end)
controls cell maintenance
responsible for genetic and reproductive functions
when 2 cells exchange micronuclei and thus genetic material
unicellular w/ both plant and animal characteristics. Photosynthetic, phagocytes
equivalent to phylum; applies to plants
a layer of elastic proteins inside cell membrane that maintains rigid shape despite euglena’s lack of a cell wall
whiplike structure euglena & volvox uses to move
light-sensitive structure containing carotenoids
organelles that store sugars
hair-like structures made of microtubules covering cell’s entire surface. Whip-like motion beat unidirectionally propelling cell forward. Also used to push food into oralg groove [think paramecium]
“false feet” that pull cell along [think amoeba]
endosymbiont theory
cellular powerhouses (chloroplasts & mitochondria) were once prokaryotes but were engulfed by other cells then developed symiotic relationships w/ their hosts [think endo–>symbiotic]
pond weed found in NC
Cytoplasmic streaming
chloroplasts suspended in cytoplasm moving [think elodea]
belongs to division Chlorophyta. Contains 500 to 50,000 cells . Contain 2 flagella per cell
cytoplasmic strands
connects outer cells of volvox to one another
cell shrinkage due to exposure to a hypertonic solution [think elodea & celery example]
Human epithelial cells
cheek cells; prominent nuclei; form protective layer
where light reactions of photosynthesis take place
carbohydrate formation takes place
chlorophyll a
essential photosynthetic pigment. Blue-green. [think oscillatoria and gloeocapsa]
Chlorophyll b
olive-green; accessory pigment. Capture additional light then transferred to chlorophyll a
chlorophyll c
found in certain kinds of algae
other classes of yellow, orange or red pigments. 2 functions: accessory pigments & coloring reproductive parts (flowers/fruits). 2 types: carotene & xanthophylls
how many carotenoids universally present in plants?
4: beta carotene, & 3 xanthophylls
Reference front (Rf)
=(distance substance travels from origin)/(distance solvent travels from origin)
measure of polarity; polar molecules do NOT move
Hill reaction
separates “photo” from “synthesis”
2NADP+ + 2H2O + Chloroplasts ——> 2NADPH+ + O2
Law of Segregation
for diploid organisms each chromosome in a matching pair has an equal chance of being passed on to a given gamete through meiosis
Chi square (X^2)
used to examine goodness-of-fit b/t observed ration of phenotypes and what you expected to see
Law of independent assortment
in meiosis different chromosomes assort into gametes independently from one another
Klinefelter’s Syndrome [male]
XXY; unusual body proportions and sterility; subnormal mental ability
Turner’s syndrome [female]
XO; short stature; webbing of the neck; may have low mental ability and sterility
Super [female]
XXX; may have low mental ability; fertile
Cri du chat
defective chromosome #5; catlike cry; severe physical and mental abnormalities; non-lethal
Patau’s syndrome
extra chromosome #13; physical abnormalities; lethal soon after birth
Edward’s syndrome
Extra chromosome #18; unusual features of the head and fingers; often dies in infancy
Down’s syndrome
extra chromosome #21; characteristic facial features; low mental ability; stocky build; sometimes heart defects
XYY condition
may have above average height
Cystic fibrosis
results from mutations in the CFTR gene on chromosome 7
[mollusca] Chiton
[polyplacophora] marine; scavenger; rapid movement if disturbed
[mollusca] Clam
[bivalvia] marine and freshwater; filter feeder; burrows and sedentary
[gastropoda] aquatic & terrestrial; scavenger/predator; mobile but slow
[mollusca] Squid
[cephalopoda] marine; predatory; jet propulsion (fast)
change in allele frequencies in a population
[mollusca] mantle
thin, fleshy layer that secretes a hard shell
snails butt twist towards face to fit in shell [think contortion]
[mollusca] Radula
rasp-like structure in the mouth (used like teeth in chiton)
hypothetical ancestral mollusc
suggests that the diversity of molluscs came about by modifications from a single ancestor
in the squid the siphon is a modification of the foot, unlike the siphon in the clam, which is a modification of the mantle
Catechol rxn
catechol + 1/2 O2 —–> benzoquinone + H2O
helps enzymes achieve active conformation (proper shape)
EDTA binds to Ca+ & Mg+ (necessary for spoilage)
PTU binds to copper