bio exam three notes Flashcards
eukaryotes acquired features from _____ and _____ through the process of ________
Archaea, Bacteria, endosymbiosis
sex vs. reproduction
exchange of genetic material vs formation of a new individual
eukaryotic traits
flexible cell surface, cytoskeleton, nuclear envelope, digestive vacuoles, acquired mitochondria and chloroplasts
takes particles into the cell that are too large to passively cross the cell membrane
phagocytosis vs. pinocytosis
phagocytosis is the taking in of large food particles, while pinocytosis takes in liquid particles
what is a nuclear envelope
membrane that separates the nucleus from the cytoplasm in eukaryotic cells
endosymbiotic theory
some of the organelles in eukaryotic cells were once prokaryotic microbes
acquisition of chloroplasts
eukaryote genetically integrated a cyanobacteria as the chloroplast which was then further integrated into many other eukaryotic lineages through secondary endosymbiosis of unicellular eukaryotic algae
protists - traits
diverse lifestyles, can be unicellular/small or multicellular/huge
alveolates - traits
alveoli or sacs beneath cell membrane, all unicellular and most are photosynthetic
alveolates: dinoflagellates - traits
mostly marine and photosynthetic, can cause red tides, 2 flagella
alveolates: apicomplexans - traits
parasitic, have apical complex (mass of organelles that help them enter host cells), complex life cycles (often with 2 hosts)
alveolates: ciliates - traits
heterotrophic and can have photosymbionts, complex bodies with 2 types of nuclei (micronuclei and macronuclei)
a type of symbiosis where one of the organisms is capable of photosynthesis
micronuclei vs. macronuclei
necessary for reproduction vs. provides metabolic and developmental functions
stramenopiles: diatoms - traits
unicellular, make carbs + oils as storage products, silica cell walls, bilateral or radial symmetry, asexual/sexual reproduction
stramenopiles: brown algae - traits
multi-cellular, marine, can be giant
stramenopiles - main trait
distinguished by the presence of stiff external hairs
stramenopiles: oomycetes - traits
absorptive heterotrophs, fungus-like, saprobic, water molds/downy mildew
rhizarians - main trait
unicellular, aquatic, have long thin pseudopods
rhizarians: cercozoans - traits
live in water or soil, diverse forms/ habitats, 1 group obtained chloroplasts through secondary endosymbiosis
rhizarians: foraminiferans - traits
calcium carbonate shells, live at bottom of sea, threadlike filaments
rhizarians: radiolarians - traits
produce intricate mineral skeletons
diverse group of eukaryotes, some lack mitochondria
diplomonads and parabasalids - traits
unicellular, no mitochondria, parabasalids have undulating membranes
heteroloboseans - traits
amoeboid body form
euglenids and kinetoplastids - traits
unicellular with flagella, mitochondria with disc-shaped cristae (folds), flagella have crystalline rods for movement, asexual reproduction or binary fission
amoebozoans - traits
lobe-shaped pseudopods for locomotion, convergent evolution with rhizarians, position on tree is uncertain
loboseans - traits
unicellular, do not aggregate, feed by phagocytosis, live on bottom of lakes, predators/parasites/scavengers2
plasmodial slime molds - traits
3 forms
1. favorable conditions: wall-less masses of cytoplasm with diploid nuclei
2. unfavorable conditions: hardened resting form
3. transform into spore-bearing fruiting structure
cellular slime molds - traits
singular amoeboid state, vegetative state, haploid, engulf food by endocytosis, reproduce by fission, in unfavorable conditions cells aggregate into slug or pseudoplasmodium that produces spores
protist reproduction: asexual
- equal splitting of 1 cell into 2
- splitting of 1 into more than 2
- budding - outgrowth of new cell from the surface of old cell
- sporulation - formation of specialized cells that grow a new individual
results in offspring genetically identical to parents (clonal lineages)
diatoms perform ___ of photosynthetic carbon fixation
diatoms - traits
store oil as an energy reserve, silica cell walls, accumulation produced layers of petroleum/natural gas
synapomorphy of Plantae
primary endosymbiosis (eukaryote engulfs prokaryote) of cyanobacteria
land plants, though many clades are aquatic
aquatic photosynthetic eukaryotes