BIO EXAM 3 LEC 11 Flashcards
What are the major characteristics of Porifera (sponges)?
Body has pores, canals, and chambers that form a system of water currents to helps the sponges get food and oxygen
2)Are all aquatic
3)Typically no symmetry
4)Interior is lined with choanocytes that create water currents
5) Its skeletal structure contains fibrillar collagen (spongin) and crystalline spicules (protection)
6) No organs or true tissues - excretion and respiration is done through diffusion
7) No nervous system, some electrical stimulation
8) Sessile and attached to substratum
9)Asexual reproduction through budding and sexual reproduction
Crystalline Spicules
Pieces of silica or calcium that are used to defer predators and provides structural support
Fibrous structures that provides structure and support
What is the phylum of radial animals?
How sponges reproduce asexually. Pieces of the sponge break off and settles down somewhere else and begins to undergo meiosis.
What are the major characteristics of cnidaria?
1) Extensible tentacles that are used for feeding and protection
3) Entirely aquatic
4)Radial Symmetry
5)2 body types -polyps and medusae
6) Extracellular digestion
7) Presence of a nerve net
8) Asexual and sexual reproduction
9)No excretory or respiratory system - diffusion accomplishes these processes.
10) Has tissue and is diploblastic
Stinging cells on the tentacles that has some types of venom that paralyzes its prey. Also give the species structure and protection
Are sessile but still have tentacles and a mouth
Takes on the classic jellyfish shape and are motile
Extracellular digestion
excrete digestive enzymes into the environment
Nerve Net
It is a diffuse mesh of nerve cells that take part in simple reflex pathways. The nerve cells interact with sensory and contractile cells
What are the four major classes of Cnidaria?
-Hydrozoa - Hydras
-Scyphozoa and Cubozoa - Jellyfish
-Anthozoa - Sea anemones, corals, and sea ferns
Take on two life forms, the polyp phase and medusae phase. Are typically very small
What is the life cycle of Hydrozoa
-First we see a polyp phase that had an obelia colony
-The Obelia colony has hydrotheca and Gonotheca which are buds on the colony
-The hydrotheca is responsible for food and protection
-The gonotheca is used for asexual reproduction and create medusae
-These medusae are hermaphrodite which produces both eggs and sperm
-When an egg and sperm cell come together they produce a zygote
-This forms into a Blastula which then turns into a free-swimming planula larva
-The larva settles down to start a new colony and the cycle repeats.
Scyphozoa shape
Takes on the classic jellyfish medusae shape
Is more cube like in shape
What falls under Anthozoa?
It includes the sea ferns, corals, and sea anemones
What is the relationship between clown fish and sea anemones?
They have a mutualistic relationship. Sea anemones provide protection for clown fish against predators and the clown fish eat the parasites that live on the tentacles of the sea anemones.
What are some characteristics of Sea Anemones?
They are relatively sessile and use water currents to fall side ways and drift away from predators.
-They have a mutualistic relationship with clown fish.
What are some characteristics of Sea Ferns?
They are a-symmetrical
What are some characteristics of corals?
They are the most diverse and productive tropical species
-Form an obligate mutualistic relationship with zooxanthellae
Explain Coral Bleaching
Corals have an obligate mutalistic relationship with zooxanthellae. This algae are homed in healthy corals where they can photosynthesize and give the coral the energy and bright color they need to survive. When water temperatures get to high, the zooxanthellae is expelled from the coral’s tissue and the coral dies.
-Coral provides a home and nutrients and the zooxanthellae performs a number of metabolic processes for the corals.