Bio Ch 1 with Lab Flashcards
Anatomical Position
The human body is erect with the feet only slightly apart, head and toes pointed forward and arms hanging at the sides with palms facing forward.
Ax i al
Relating to head, neck, and trunk, the axis of the body
App en di cu lar
Relating to limbs and their attachments to the axis
Ab dom i nal
Anterior body trunk region inferior to the ribs
Ac ro mial
Point of the shoulder
Ante bra chial
Ante cub ital
Anterior surface of the elbow
Ax ill ary
Bra chial
Buc cal
Car pal
Ce phal ic
Cer vi cal
Neck Region
Co xal
Cru ral
Dig i tal
Fingers or Toes
Fem or al
Fib u lar (per on eal)
Side of leg
Front al
Hall ux
Great toe
In gu i nal
Groin area
Mamm ary
Breast Region
Man us
Men tal
Na sal
Or al
Or bi tal
Bony eye socket (orbit)
Pal mar
Palm of the hand
Pat ell ar
Ant er ior Knee (kneecap) region
Ped al
Pel vic
Pelvis region
Pol lex
Pub ic
Genital region
Ster nal
Reckon of the breastbone
Tar sal
Thor ac ic
Um bili cal
Ac ro mial
Point of shoulder
Bra ch ial
Cal can neal
Heel of the foot
Ce ph a lic
Dor sum
Fem or al
Glu teal
Buttocks or rump
Lum bar
Area of the back b/w the ribs and hips; the loin
Man us
Occ ip i tal
Posterior aspect of the head or base of the skull
O lec cran al
Posterior aspect of the elbow
O tic
Ped al
Per i neal
Region b/w the anus and external genitalia
Plan tar
Sole of the foot
Pop lit eal
Back of the knee
Sa cral
Region b/w the hips ( overlying the sacrum
Sac pu lar
Scapula or shoulder blade area
Su ral
Calf of posterior surface of the leg
Ver te bral
Area of the spinal column
An ter ior/ Ven tral
An a tom i cal postion
Pos ter ior/ Dor sal
Heels are raised to illustrate the planter surface of the foot
Sup er ior / in fer ior
An ter ior/ pos ter ior
Med i al/ Lat er al
toward the midline/ away from the midline or median plane
Ce ph a lad/ (cra ni al)/ ca u dal
toward the head/ toward the tail
Dor sal/ ven tral
backside/ belly side
Prox i mal/ dis tal
nearer the trunk or attached end/ father from the trunk or point of attachment
Sup er fi cial (exter nal)/deep (in ter nal)
toward or at the body surface/ away from the body surface.
Sag it talk plane
Divides the body into right and left parts.
Me di an plane or mid sag it tal plane
Divides the body into equally parts right down the midline of the body.
Frontal plane/ cor o nal plane
the frontal plane is longitudinal plane that divides the body (or an organ) into an ter ior and post er ior parts.
Thor a cic cavity
is separated from the rest of the ventral cavity by the dome shape dia phra gm. Heart and lungs are located in the thor a cic cavity and protected my the rib cage.
Ab dom in o pel vic cavity
Inferior to the diaphragm
ab dom in al cavity
Superior to abdominopelvic cavity: house the stomach, intestines, liver and other organs
pel vic cavity
Inferior to the abdominal cavity: the region that is partially enclosed by the bony pelvis and contains the reproductive organs, bladder, and rectum.
Abdominoplevic Quadrants
Right Upper quadrant, Left Upper quadrant, Right lower quadrant, left lower quadrant.
Umbilical Region
The centermost region, which includes the umbilicus (naval)
Ep i gas tric Region
Immediately superior to the umbilical region; lovelies most of the stomach.
Hy po gas trip (pubic) region
Immediately inferior to the umbilical region; encompasses the pubic area
i l i ac or in gu in al region
Lateral to the hypogastric region and overlying the superior parts of the hip bones
Lumbar region
B/w the ribs and the flaring portions of the hip bones; lateral to the umbilical region
Hypo chon dr iac region
Flanking the epigastric region laterally and overlying the lower limbs