Bio 3 - Genetics Flashcards
Name 4 bases of DNA
What bases bond + how many bonds
A=T (double)
C=-G (triple)
Pyrimidines vs Purines
Purines: double ringed A and G
Pyrimidines: single ringed CUT
What carbon is attached to the:
-phosphate group
-nitrogenous base
Carbon 5 - ester bond (phosphodiester)
Carbon 1 - glycosyl bond
What is attached by glycosyl bonds
Sugar - Base (carbon 1)
What is attached by phosphodiester bonds
Phosphate group - Sugar (carbon 5, carbon 3)
Pyrimidines vs Purines (bases and structure)
Pyrimidines - CUT (single ringed)
Purines - AG (double ringed)
What is 5’ and 3’
5’ is at the “top” of nucleotides
3’ is at the “bottom” of nucleotides
Bonds between bases
7 Historical figures in the discovery of DNA
Puss guy, discovered nuclein and that the hereditary information is stored within
Algae cap chopping, discovered the location of hereditary information
Pneumonia and mice, disocvered that DNA is the transforming principle
Bacteriophage injects hereditary material (DNA not protein!), discovered that DNA was reponsinsible for genetic information
Studied nucleotide composition and found
1. Each species has unique composition of nitrogenous bases
2. Chargaff’s Rule = amount of A = T and C = G ∴ A + G = T + C Purines =
Used xray diffraction to analyze DNA by bombarding it with xrays which deflected atoms that produced patterns on photographic film.
1. Diffraction patterns suggested
2. DNA was the shape of double helix
Used everyone else’s research to conclude the shape of DNA + 3D model
Conservative Replication
One daughter molecule would be unchanged from the parent molecule and one
daughter molecule would consist of newly synthesized strands. In conservative replication,
the two parental strands would act as templates for replication, but then recombine
Semiconservative Replication
Each daughter molecule receives one strand from the parent plus one newly
synthesized strand. In semiconservative replication, the two parental strands would act as
templates for replication and remain separated from each other, incorporated into two new
Dispersive Replication
The new strands of DNA are a mix of both paternal and daughter DNA
3 Steps of DNA replication
Initiation, elongation, termination
What happens during DNA initiation + 3 enzymes
2 strands of double helix separated by DNA helicase enzyme that breaks hydrogen bonds; where hydrogen bonds break is replication fork
Single-stranded binding proteins (SSBs) replication enzyme that prevents parent DNA strands from annealing to each other once they have been separated by helicase
Gyrase enzyme (also known as topoisomerase) enzymes that relieve tension caused by the unwinding of parent DNA; they cleave one or two of the DNA strands, allow the strand(s) to untwist, and then rejoin the strand(s)
What happens during DNA elongation
DNA polymerase III brings free nucleotides into the replicating fork, it moves from 5’ to 3’ looking for the 3’ end. It then adds nucleotides using RNA primers
The lagging chain is built in the opposite direction and built in sections. (3’-5’-3’). Primers are added and DNA polymerase III builds in short fragments called Okazaki fragments.
DNA polymerase I replaces RNA primers with correct nucleotides .
DNA ligase joins Okazaki fragments by phosphodiester bond.
What happens during DNA termination?
Once strands complete , daughter DNA rewind. DNA polymerase III and I (exonnucleases) proof read new strands and splice out any mistakes and replace the correct nucleotide.
3 Steps of transcription
Initiation, Elongation, Termination
What happens during transcription initiation
Enzyme RNA polymerase binds to the DNA molecule upstream of the gene to be copied.
Enzyme attaches to “promoter” region on DNA that tells the polymerase where to start and which strand to copy.
The DNA region usually has a high number of A and T, which only have 2 hydrogen bonds to break. The TATA box.
The binding of polymerase opens the double helix
What happens during transcription Elongation
RNA polymerase moves along the “template strand” of DNA, adding RNA nucleotides in the 5’ to 3’ direction
The strand not used for transcription is called the coding strand
Complementary mRNA strand is built with bases ACGU
As polymerase moves along, DNA rewinds back together
What happens during termination transcription.
RNA polymerase moves along the gene until a “terminator sequence” is reached – sequence of bases that tells the enzyme to stop
mRNA now released from DNA is called “messenger RNA primary transcript”. RNA polymerase is also released and can be used to transcribe again
RNA polymerase does not proof read the sequence
MRNA modification + Steps
After transcription in Eukaryotes, mRNA is modified before leaving the nucleus
- Capping: The 5’ end receives a molecule of 7-methylguanosine is added at the start of the
primary transcript. This protects mRNA and helps mRNA bind to the ribosome - Poly-A tail : string of 200 – 300 adenine bases added to the end of mRNA. Helps
protect mRNA. - Splicing: primary transcript consists of exons and introns both copied from DNA.
Exons = sections that code for a specific protein
Introns = do not code for a protein and will not be expressed.
Spliceosomes = RNA and protein act to cut out introns from primary transcript and then rejoin the remaining exons.
After capping, tailing and splicing the new “mRNA transcript” exits the nucleus
Translation initiation
mRNA binds to the small subunit of the ribosome
large subunit binds to mRNA clamping mRNA in between the 2 subunits
FIRST tRNA moves into P site, interacts with mRNA bases on complementary base pairing
in eukaryotes – first tRNA binds to mRNA start codon AUG; its anticodon is UAC; it carries amino acid methionine
Translation Elongation
SECOND tRNA moves into A site
2 amino acids will link by a peptide bond
First tRNA is released, ribosomes shifts down one codon, second tRNA is now in P site , A site is open
Process continues with ribosome moving along the mRNA in the 5’ to 3’ direction, reading one codon (3 nucleotides) at a time, adding one amino acid
Translation termination
Ribosome eventually reaches mRNA’s “stop codon” ( UGA, UAG or UAA) and stalls
No tRNA anticodons match these codons
Proteins called release factors recognize these codons and will cause polypeptide to release from ribosomes ( protein’s primary structure)
Ribosome will break down into its 2 parts
mRNA may be reused or read again to make more copies
Types of mutation
Point (silent, nonsense, missense)
Frameshift (substitution, deletion)
Chromosomal (Abnormal Structure - Deletion, Inversion, Duplication, Translocation)(Abnormal Number - Nondisjunction, Polyploids)
Alternative Splicing
Process that produces different mRNAs from primary mRNA,
allowing more than 1 polypeptide to be made from 1 gene. This explains why humans can produce 100 000 proteins from only 20 000 genes.
Prokaryotes vs Eukaryotes
Prokaryotes / Eukaryotes
Genome: Small and circular, all coding but promoters&operators, operons / large chromosomes, coding and non coding, no operons
Transcription: with translation, no excision / in nucleus, splicing
Translation: formylmethoinine, ShineDalgama binding site, small ribosomes / methionine, 5’ cap binding site, cytoplasm, big ribosomes
complex of DNA and histone proteins located in the nucleus of eukaryotes ***chromosomes only form during mitosis
positively charged proteins that bind to negatively charged DNA in chromosomes
a complex of eight histones enveloped by coiled DNA
supercoiling: DNA folded into a higher level of coiling than is already present in nucleosomes
variable number tandem repeats(VNTRs):
repetitive sequences of DNA that vary among individuals; also known as microsatellites
long sequences of repetitive, noncoding DNA on the end of chromosomes
constricted region of chromosome that holds two replicated chromosome strands together
DNA sequences that are homologous with known genes but are never transcribed (fake genes do not code for anything; no real function)
repeated DNA sequences of 5000 to 7000 base pairs in length that alternate with lengths of DNA sequences found in the genomes of higher organisms (types of pseudogenes)
repeated DNA sequences of 300 base pairs in length that alternate with lengths of DNA sequences found in the genomes of higher organisms (pseudogenes)