BIM 4 Flashcards
What are the evolutions/eras of IT hardware?
- Mainframe era
centralized data processing systems - Personal computing era
- Client/Server era
- Enterprise computing era
- Cloud/mobile era
Connection between firm, IT infrastructure, and business capabilities
firm infrastructure should supprort the firm’s business and information system strategy. strategies are functions of IT
what are the technology drivers of IT infrastructure?
- Moore’s law
- Law of mass digital storage
- Metcalf’s law and network effect
- declining communication costs over internet
What is moore’s law
Moore’s law says that computing power doubles every 2 years. This is because the number of transistors in a circuit doubles every 2 years. Moore’s law also says that the cost of transistors decrease every year. Decreasing cost of transistors!
What is a transistor?
A transistor is a semiconductor-based switch that miniaturizes electronics. The goal is packing more transistors into less space
What is nanotechnology?
Uses individual atoms to create computer chips
what is law of mass digital storage
This law says that the amount of digital storage doubles every year, and that the cost of storing digital information is falling exponentially. Capacity of data storage per dollar is increasing!
What is metcalfs law and network effect?
Metcalfs law states that the value of a network grows exponentially as a funciton off the number of network members. the formula is
The network effect is increasing returns to scale. The more people, the better
What are 3 futures of computers?
- quantum computing
uses quantum physics and uses binary values of 0 or 1, OR BOTH. The both is the special part. - DNA molecular computing
uses molecular alphabet - Optical computers
Uses photons which are light particles
What is cloud computing?
The provision of IT resources over the internet. servers are provisioned over the internet and software can be accesses.
Advantages are reduced upfront costs and flexibility.
Disadvantages are high dependence on external providers
What are the 3 main cloud computing services
- Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)
Allows users to instantly obtain IT hardware like storage - Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)
Allows users to work over internet and create apps - Software as a Service (SaaS)
Allows users to conenct to cloud-based apps like email or drive
Internet service providers. they own internet and give temproary access
What are applicaiton transfer protocols? what are the 3?
HTTP - hyper text transfer proticol. manages the communication between web broswer and server
SMTP - for email
FTP - for files
Give a full break down of the url
HTTP - application transfer protcol
Google - domain name
.com - top level domain
/pages/ - path
/index.html - file
What is DNS or domain name system and how does it work?
DNS converts the IP adress to a domain name. DNS hack is one of the biggest dangesr
Internet root domain = “.”
Top level domain = “com”
second level domain = “google”
third level domain = “sales.” google
What are IP addresses
IP addresses are assigned to every device connected to internet
IP is 32 bit number
IPv4 is 4 blocks between 000 and 255
IPv6 is 8 blocks
What is TCP and IP
TCP is transmission control protocol and IP is intenret protocol and enables data transfers across the internet.
TCP cuts the data and IP routes the packets
What is net neutrality?
Net neutrality is the principle that all internet traffic should be treated equally. Websites and apps should not be prioritized. It ensures users have all access without censorship and online businessses have. alevel playing field
What happens without net neutrality?
wealthy companies can afford fast lanes and beat comptition
What is the issue that ISPs have with net neutrality?
google and netflix make profits free-riding on the infrastructure. Net neutrality disincentivizes further infrastructure investments. They believe users should be charged based on bandwidth
what are data centers?
A facility that houses computer systems and associated components like storage
what are 5 components of todays IT
- computer hardware - physical technology
- computer software- systesm and application software
- data management technology
- telecommunications and networking
- technology services
legacy systems are older transaction processing systems
Types of computers?
1 workstation - fits on a desktop but better than PC
2 server - for networked computers or maintaining a site
3. mainframe - large computer
5. super computer - even better
6. grid computing - involves connecting geographically remote computers into a single network and combining the computational power
What is distributed processing?
The use of multiple computers linked by a communications network
Centralized processing?
All processing accomplished by one large central computer
Client/server computing??
It is when processing is split between the client and server. Client has the POE and the user interacts with it while server provides services
What are peripheral devices?
Storage, input, output devices outside of the computer
1. SSD (solidstate drive)
for storage
2. input devices
gathers data and converts them into digital form for computer like mouse
3. output device
what is virtualization?
The process of presenting a set of computing resources so they can be accesses without restriction of geographic location
What is cloud computing?
A model of computing where computer processing, storage, etc is provided as a shared pool of resources over a network. Like icloud or drive
Characteristics of cloud computing
- on-demand self-service
consumers can obtain computing capabilities automatically - ubiquitous network access
cloud resources can be accessed using standard network - location-independent resource pooling
computing resources are pooled to serve multiple users with different virtual resources - Rapid elasticity
computing resources can be rapidly changed to user demand - measured service
charges for cloud resources are based on number of resources used
Edge computing?
A method of optimizing cloud computing systems by performing some processing on a set of linked servers at the edge of the network near the source of data.Reduces back and forth data.
what is capacity planning?
process of predicitng when a computer hardware system will become saturated. ensures firm has enough computing power for current and future needs
What is scalability?
ability of a sysetm to expand to serve a large number of users
What is network operating system (NOS)
Routes and manages communications on the network and coordinates network resources
What is a VPN?
a secure private network within a public network
What is radio frequency identification (RFID)
RFID systems provide technology for tracking the movement of goods throughout the supply chain. To transmit radio signals over short distance to RFID readers, RFID systems use tiny tags with embedded microchips containing data about them on its location and what it is.
What is API
enable two software components to communicate with each other using a set of definitions and protocols. For example, the weather bureau’s software system contains daily weather data. The weather app on your phone “talks” to this system via APIs and shows you daily weather updates on your phone.
how many bites in byte?
1 byte can hold 8 bits