Bilinear Forms Flashcards
Bilinear form
A bilinear form F: VxV->𝔽 is s.t.
i) F(x+y, z) = F(x,z) + F(y,z
(ii) F(λx,y)=λ(Fx,y)
(iii) F(x,y+z) = F(x,y) + F(x, z)
(iv) F(x, λy) = λF(x,y)
if F(x,y)=F(y,x)
Positive definite
Inner Product
its symmetric and positive definite
How to write a bilinear form as a matrix product
F = vᵀAw
where each element of A is the coefficient of xᵢyᵢ (columns are xs and rows are ys)
How to tell if a form is bilinear?
if you can put it into the matrix form F = vᵀAw it is bilinear
quadratic form
a polynomial in several variables where each term has total degree 2
e.g. x²+y²+xy
Sequelinear form
A sesquelinear form F: VxV->𝔽 is s.t.
i) F(x+y, z) = F(x,z) + F(y,z
(ii) F(λx,y)=λ*(Fx,y)
(iii) F(x,y+z) = F(x,y) + F(x, z)
(iv) F(x, λy) = λF(x,y)
Conjugate symmetric
if F(x,y) = F(y,x)*
conjugate symmetric sequelinear form inner product
conjugate symmetric sequelinear form is an inner product if it is positive definite
F(v,w) =
in sequeliniear form put conjugate wherever there is a transpose
if you change basis for a bilinear form matrix representation
[|F|]’ = Pᵀ[|F|]P
in sequeliniear form put conjugate wherever there is a transpose
orthogonal vectors
vectors are perpendicular
How to find a basis of V s.t. [|F|] is diagonal
- take the first element, f₁, of the original basis and let it be e₁ (the first element of the new basis)
- calculate F(e₁,e₁) , F(e₁,fᵢ) for all i
- fᵢ= fᵢ - F(e₁,e₁)/F(e₁,fᵢ) *e₁
- choose e₂ = next fᵢ
- check that e₁,e₂ are orthogonal i.e. F(e₁,e₂)=0
- calculate F(e₂, e₂). Repeat the process.
To see if F is positive definite or not:
- find a counter example
- if v = v₁e₁ + v₂e₂, calculate F(v,v). If =0 only if v₁=v₂=0 then positive definite.
How to normalise
divide by sqrt (F(eᵢ,eᵢ))
How to find a basis of V s.t. [|F|] is diagonal and F(eⱼ,eⱼ))=0 (F is not definite)
- chose eⱼ to be a different original vector where F(eⱼ,eⱼ)≠0
- If F(vᵢ,vᵢ)=0 but F(vᵢ,vⱼ)≠0 then take eⱼ = vᵢ + vⱼ. Then delete one of the original vectors and return the other to use again.
- If F(vᵢ,vⱼ)=0 for all i,j then eⱼ=vⱼ for all remaining vⱼs
The sum k+m where k is the number of positive terms on the diagonal of [|F|] and m is the number of negative terms on the diagonal of [|F|]
The difference k-m where k is the number of positive terms on the diagonal of [|F|] and m is the number of negative terms on the diagonal of [|F|]