Bible Test: Jehovah's Witnesses Flashcards
144,00 live in spiritual heaven with Jesus, other JW’s live in paradise-like earth
Anointed Class
Total battle, all non-Jehovah’s Witnesses destroyed; Jesus vs. Satan
JW must make return calls if a person shows even a little interest, persistent visitation
Back Calls
Official HQ of Watchtower Bible and Tract Society; 25 Columbia Heights Brooklyn, NY
Bloodguilt is acquired by…(3 things)
1) bloodshed, support of blood guilty organization like Babylon the Great
2) Eating/Drinking Blood
3) Failing to preach the good news of the kingdom
Protestant/Catholic groups thought to be established in 4th century by Constantine
20+ JW congregations
Member of JW deemed unfaithful
Exocommunication; a person is expelled for sinful reasons
607 BC-1914 AD; Jews in disfavor with Jehovah
Gentile Times
Person interested in Bible study, prospective JW members, “goats”
Goodwill Persons
JW leaders who determine and establish all doctrines and practices of the group
Jesus crucified on upright stake, not a cross (cross=pagan)
Impalement of Jesus
Official translation of Old and NT of JW
New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures
Works based salvation, HW dedicate their lives to Jehovah, don’t have to accept Jesus as savior
JW leaders directed by God
The Society
non-democratic organization, rule by God
Approximately 360 days, can mean 1 day, a very loose term
Worldwide stats and service of faithful members; Daily Bible readings and comments included
Yearbook of JW’s
Founder of Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
Charles Taze Russell
What year was JWs founded
The Adventist who influenced Russel’s interest in prophecy
Nelson H. Barbour
Barbour’s beliefs regarding return of Christ and 1874
Christ returned in 1874 and began the “Great Harvest”
What was The Watchtower publication originally known as?
Zion’s Watch Tower and Herald of Christ’s Presence