BF Flashcards
tumble ( falla) tumla
We both tumbled to the ground.
Ramla, trilla
Peele ( skala.
Somebody peeled me of him.
Qofka ayaa asigu igu fujijej.
Average ( medel)
Have a great average.
Ha err bra medelvärde .
Dhexdhahaad ah , isku celcelin.
Amuse ( roa)
Distract . Underhålla
Dragging (dra)
Deny was dragging me down.
Jiidid,. Jiideya.
Decent ( anständig, hygglig. Nice , not bad. respectable.
Decent people call me Chris. Bad boys calls me christiina that I hat a lot.
Fiican, hufan.
Polite / fair-spoken. { pelīt)
Daacadnimo . Daacad .
I had to be polite back .
Artig , hövlig .
approach/ coming, nearing .
Ex. I didn’t hear people approaching until somebody spoke.
Närma sig . Nalkas
Soo dhawaa neya.
Dignity/ honer, rank,degree ,rate. Power. Worthiness, respectability.
Ex . My dignity is more important, as far as I’m concerned.
Värdighet, högtidligt.
Min värdighet är viktigare, så långt jag är bekymrad.
sharaftaydu waxay ka muhiimsan tahay, illaa iyo intii aan ka walwalsanahay.
Concerned/ worried,troubled, or anxious.
I’m concerned about them.
bekymrad, oroig.
Tillmaan yar.
Ledtråd , spår.
Verball , muntlig .
Verball misshändel .
You verbally abuse her .
Firm/ hard ( ferm)
Fast, stadig