Best Practices in Commercial Aviation Flashcards
Which of the following are goals of the in-flight medical app?
Select all that apply.
Enhanced Treatment Strategies for Unwell or Injured Passengers
Advanced Communication and Crew Support Tactics
Refined Medical Guidance Tailored Through Algorithmic Approaches
All of the above
True or False: Medical volunteers are an important part of the managing medical event and may be asked to take charge of the management of the event.
Who is authorized to pronounce a person dead in-flight?
The Pilot
Any member of the Flight Crew
The victim’s family
The MedLink doctor
Any of the above
None of the above
None of the above
Why do aviation professionals and MedLink doctors use the phonetic alphabet to communicate important information?
Safety - it ensures clear two-way voice communications.
Speed - it ensures messages can be conveyed quickly.
Safety - it ensures clear two-way voice communications.
What is the correct definition of the radio word Negative?
What is the correct definition of the radio word Over?
I am through talking; I expect a reply.
What is the correct definition of the radio word Affirmative?
You are correct.
What is the correct definition of the radio word Out?
I am through talking
What is the correct definition of the radio word Roger?
I received your last call OK
Which is the correct phonetic spelling for the medication DIAZEPAM?
Delta | India | Alpha | Zebra | Echo | Papa | Alpha | Mike
Doctor | India | Alpha | Zulu | Echo | Papa | Alpha | Mike
Delta | India | Alpha | Zulu | Echo | Papa | Alpha | Mike
Doctor | India | Alpha | Zebra | Eagle | Papa | Alpha | Mike
Delta | India | Alpha | Zulu | Eagle | Papa | Alpha | Major
Delta | India | Alpha | Zulu | Echo | Papa | Alpha | Mike