Best Evidence Consensus Statements Flashcards
Angle’s Classification - Campbell and Goldstein
- Is Angle’s classification useful for the management of the completely edentulous patient?
No. The max/mand arches are positioned at CR and the casts are articulated there.
Since there are no teeth present and complete dentures are related by condyles.
Cephalometric radiographs could be utilized but the mounted casts already show the relationship, so no need to expose the patient to unwarranted radiation.
Lastly, molar and canine anatomy for patients who need oral rehabilitation may have been altered due to wear, caries, Perio, ortho, and restorations. Utilizing the teeth in those patients is precarious.
Angle’s Classification - Campbell and Goldstein
- If you don’t use Angle’s classification, how do you set denture teeth?
The occlusal surfaces of denture teeth are not dictated by nonexistent tooth positions/root positions. They are occlusally customized to meet the need of patients.
Position of denture teeth are dictated by occlusal plane and arch form anatomy.
Felton - Complete Edentulism
- What’s avg life expectancy?
- According to ACP website, how many completely edentulous people in the US?
- Who reported that the risk of death is how many times greater for an edentulous patient than partially/fully dentate?
- 78
- More than 36 million
- Brown 2009 - Public health paper - 1.5x greater for edentulous
Felton - Complete Edentulism
Edentulous patients are at increased risk for what?
What about patients with at least partial tooth loss?
- Reduced nutritional intake, malnutrition, obesity, COPD-related events, decline in cognition, cardiovascular disease mortality,
- Increased head/neck cancer, increased mortality
Felton - Complete Edentulism
Poorly maintained removable prostheses are associated with what?
Global incidence of edentulism increasing or decreasing?
Increases in pneumonia-related hospitalizations
Decreasing from 4.4 to 4.1% as of 2010
SG Report
- When will there be more adults over age 65 than youth in our country?
By 2035 - more geriatric than youth
SG Report
- What percent of older working-age agents age 50-64 are edentulous?
- What % of adults age 65 and older?
- What groups and ethnicities are more likely to be edentulous?
A. 6%
B. 13%
C. Those living in poverty are 3 times more likely.
Non-hispanic black are 2x more likely than non-hispanic white or Mexican.
SG Report
- Men vs women - Who has more oro-pharyngeal cancers?
- What percent of OPC’s in US are caused by HPV?
A. Men have 3.5 times more OPC - associated with HPV
B. 7 out of 10
Goodacre Stomatognathic System
- Do the head and neck muscles adapt to changes in occlusion?
Yes, as evidenced by their adaptation to artificially produced occlusal interferences.
They can modify their size, cross-sectional area, and fiber properties.
They can also decrease with less EMG activity (think change from group to canine guided occlusion)
Goodacre Stomatognathic System
- Do the teeth and bone adapt to changes in occlusion? What are four examples?
Yes, orthodontics is a good model to demonstrate physiologic adaptation of teeth and bone to positional changes.
Facial development affects occlusion but functional outcome is usually optimal.
Tooth flexion (up to 1 um).
Changes in lateral occlusal guidance due to ortho and/or tooth wear also indicate that patients can change.
Goodacre Stomatognathic System
- Does the TMJ adapt to changes in occlusion? (5)
Yes, TMJ has a dynamically modified periosteum on the articular surfaces of the condyle and fossa with three subarticular layers of fibrocartilage that absorb and dissipate peak and sustained loads.
Mandibular condyle is adaptable, regenerate structure.
The bone supporting the condyle and fossa can strengthen by increasing in density and thickness.
Patients without TMD symptoms adapt fairly well to artificially produced occlusal interferences, but those with TMD do not.
Occlusal changes produced by ortho do not appear to induce TMD.
Kattadiyil CR
- 8 techniques to measure CR
- Shanahan - “Swallowing or free closure”
- Schuyler - Patient was asked to touch palate with tip of tongue
- Gysi - Gothic arch tracing
- McCollum - Chin point guidance
- Dawson - Bimanual or bilateral manipulation
- Jankelson - Myo-monitor
- Lucia/Long - Anterior deprogrammer
- Roth - Power centric
Kattadiyil CR
- Kantor reported what on CR reproducibility?
15 subjects tested
- Chin point guidance with Lucia jig (hybrid of McCollum, Lucia, and Long) and bilateral manipulation (Dawson) had most consistent and reproducible
- Myomonitor (Jankelson) showed considerable variations and were 700% less dependable
Kattadiyil CR
- Which six techniques are found to be comparable in reproducibility and precision/accuracy?
- Which technique produced inconsistent and generally poorer results? Why?
A. Chin point guidance, bimanual manipulation, power centric, Gothic arch tracing, leaf gauge, and Lucia jig
B. Myomonitor due to the predominant masseter muscle contraction and limited contraction of other muscles of mastication. Also variations in electrode position, stimulating current intensity, or resistance of skin and underlying tissue could affect the position of the mandible
Kattadiyil CR
- Summarize three studies that investigated CR methods
- Kantor - 15 subjects - Chin point guidance, Lucia jig, and bilateral manipulation most accurate
- Simon and Nicholls - 5 times on 5 patients - chin point guidance, chin point guidance with ramus support, and bimanual manipulation
- Hobo and Iwata - 10 adults - unguided mandibular closure, bimanual manipulation, and chin point guidance
Kattadiyil CR
- Summarize two studies that investigated CR recording materials
- Ghazal - PVS and PE had better accuracy than Aluwax and Beauty Pink Wax
- Sweeney - PVS significantly more accurate than wax and thermoplastic - digitally scanned study
Kattadiyil CR
- What variables exist in recording CR?
- What materials are recommended to be used?
- Time of recording, technique, interocclusal recording materials, clinical training, and experience
- Impression plaster, PE, PVS, combination of aluwax with resin are consistent and accurate. PE/PVS are commonly used and preferable. (Ghazal and Sweeney)
Goldstein and Campbell - Denture Occlusion
Two biggest variables facing complete denture wearing patients?
- Continual loss of alveolar bone (reported in 25 year study by Tallgren - mandibular anterior ridge was 4 times more loss than maxilla. (9-10 on anterior mandible and 2.5 to 3 on max.)
- PDI class IV patient has more complex oral environment. More experienced clinician and need for stability increases as the retention of denture decreases
Goldstein and Campbell - Denture Occlusion
Does BB result in less alveolar bone loss?
Winter, Woeful and Igarashi - 5 year cephalometric study, new dentures either AO, semi anatomic or MO
AO group had significantly less resorption than MO, and semi-A was in the middle.
Reason: Anatomic teeth gave well defined MIP to result in less denture movement
Goldstein and Campbell - Denture Occlusion
Does BB result in more patient satisfaction?
Some research supports balanced occlusal scheme whereas others conclude no difference between balanced and non-balanced occlusion.
Goldstein and Campbell - Denture Occlusion
Does BB result in better chewing ability?
Weak evidence that occlusal scheme does impact chewing efficiency, but it comes down to evaluating the patient. Having balanced occlusion and an unimpeded path back to CR results in greater stability and retention
Goldstein and Campbell - Denture Occlusion
Two studies that discuss impact of occlusal schemes on patient satisfaction
Abduo SR of 12 studies - Anatomic teeth in BB or LO are equally acceptable to patients
Lemos - SR of 12 studies - BB did not perform better than other occlusal schemes and that LO had positive effect in patient satisfaction
Goldstein and Goodacre - OVD
Seminal work on IOD?
What is the mean for IOD?
1934 Niswonger - 3 mm of interocclusal distance for 87% of 100 subjects with natural teeth. It was also 3 mm for 84% of 100 subjects with worn natural teeth.
Dot on middle of chin and another where the philtrim meets the nasal septum. Reported as the mode, not the mean.
Goldstein and Goodacre - OVD
Does rest vertical dimension change during life?
Little evidence to if it changes, except that aging does cause a decrease in muscle tone.
This decrease in muscle tone could affect RVD since it is a 3d range.
Examples include: thinning and elongation of upper lip, drooping of nasal tip and columella of nose.
Goldstein and Goodacre - OVD
- Will alteration to OVD cause harm?
Abduo reported that increases of up to 5 mm is safe and predictable.
Restoration of OVD can be successfully accomplished but it must be done so carefully. An occlusal device is often fabricated with patient tolerance.