Benthic invertebrates Flashcards
what are the oceanic divisions starting from the bottom up
1) hadalpelagic
2) abyssalpelagic
3) bathypelagic
4) mesopelagic
5) epipelagic
what does epibenthic mean
attached to a hard substarum or rooted to a shallow depth below seabed surface
what are some examples of benthic invertebrate feeding modes
- carnivores
- herbivores
- filter feeders
- deposit feeders
what are some examples of benthic invertebrate feeding modes
- carnivores
- herbivores
- filter feeders
- deposit feeders
how do suspension feeders feed
capture particles from the water either
1) passively- using existing currents
2) actively - generating own currents
what orders belong to the class cirripedia, superorder thoracica
1) sessilia - acorn barnacles
2) pedunculata - goose barnacles
what are brittle star beds
benthic inverterbrates in which some species can be found in large numbers. Found in british waters and variable in size
what are the two clades of polychaetes (a type of annelid worm)
1) errantia
2) sedentaria = include colonial, reef building forms with fans of head tenacles
how do deposit feeders feed
ingest sediment and digest organic content, many are also scavengers
outline some characteristics of isopods
- dorso-ventrically falttened
- aquatic species are benthic
- numerous deep sea species
- some important parasitic forms
outline some characteristics of amphipoda
laterally compressed
can be divided into gammarids (90% all amphipods) and hyperiids (all planktonic)
what is a radula
unique to molluscs it is a ribbon of chitin covered in rows of backward facing teeth with a moveable fleshy base
outline the cycle between urchins and kelp beds
1) removal or urchin predators increased sea urchin density causes destructive grazing which leads to barren grounds
2) disease in urchins causes mass urchin mortality which helps recruit and reestablish kelp
out do cephalopods feed
all cephalopods are carnivores and prey is captured with tentacles and moved to powerful, chitinous beak
what are asteroids
a species with a centeral mouth with radial digestive system
short armed swallow entire prey vs long armed which evert stomach and digest outside
bivalbve feeders
what are stomatopods
e.g. mantis shrimps
fast and efficent predators
- spearers eat soft prey
clubbers eat hard prey
what are decapods
the largest and most diverse group within the malacostraca e.g. cray fish and crabs
- five pairs of pereopods
first pair usually with clasws
give some examples of common decapods in british rock pools
- prawns
- brown shrimp
- velvet swimming crab