benign tumors and tumor-like conditions Flashcards
what is a capillary hemoangioma?
benign tumor or hamartoma of mature small capillary channels made of capillary sized endothelial cells
whats another name for juvenile capillary hemangioma?
what is it?
where or in what part of the body is it seen?
how do you treat?
strawberry hemangioma
raised, bright red, lobular vascular tumor
face in newborn
don’t treat, grows for few months but regresses at 1-3 years of age
what is a cavernous hemangioma?
what so important to remember about this tumor?
what disease is associated to this tumor?
hemangioma made of large vascular channels
its the most common benign tumor of liver, spleen and placenta
von hippel lindau disease (vHL is a tumor suppressor gene)
what is a pyogenic granuloma?
In who do you see it?
what is another name for it?
ulcerated, polypoid lesion that bleeds easily
pregnant women
granuloma gravidarum
whwat is another name for glomangioma?
what is it?
where in the body do you find it?
glomus tumor
benign, painful tumor arising from a glomus body (modified smooth muscle cells in temperature sensitive receptor that is around blood vessels, regulating vasoconstriction)
- fingers under the nails
what is bacillary angiomatosis?
is it a tumor?
what causes it?
when do you see it?
what do you see microscopicly?
potentially fatal infectious disease
Bartonella Quintata (ricketssia)
happens as opportunistic infection in AIDS pts
many neutrophils, purple granular material (differantiates from kaposi)
what is this?

strawberry (juvenile) hemangiomas
what is this?

cavernous hemangioma
what is this?

bacillary angiomatosis