Benign breast disease Flashcards
Name some benign breast diseases
Breast cyst
Mammary duct ectasia
Mammary dysplasia
Intraduct papilloma
fat necrosis
What is it?
Example of a case?
Arises from stromal and epithelial connective tissue
benign tumour
30y/o with mobile ‘mouse’ unilateral breast lump
What do fibroadenomas respond to?
Oestrogen + progesterone
When are fibroadenomas MC and regress?
MC in young women and regress after menopause
Sx of a fibroadenoma?
describe the lump?
Painless non tender lump
Rounded with smooth edges
firm, mobile
<3cm diameter
Dx and Tx for fibroadenoma?
Triple assessment
What is the prognosis for fibroadenoma if left alone?
1/3 shrink
1/3 stay same
1/3 enlarge
What is the MC cause of breast lumps?
Breast cysts
What is a breast cyst?
age it occurs?
Fluid filled lumps
describe a benign breast cyst?
non blood stained fluid
No residual lump
doesn’t continuously refill
What colours can breast cysts be and what does that mean?
White = galactorrhoea
Green = simple
Blood = bad :(
What is the typical description of a breast cyst?
smooth, well circumcised, mobile +/- size fluctuation +/- painful
What is the diagnosis of a breast cyst?
triple assessment +/- aspiration/imaging
Tx for a breast cyst?
Oral contraceptive Pill
What is Mastitis?
Inflammation of the breast tissue +/- infection
What 2 groups can mastitis be in?
Non lactational
How does lactation cause mastitis?
obstruction in ducts = milk accumulation
How does non lactational mastitis occur?
bacteria enters nipple, back tracts into ducts and causes infection and inflammation