Beliefs In Society - Defining Religion Flashcards
Who defines religion as “An organised collectivity of individuals with a shared system of belief and a set approved activities and practices”?
Richardson et al
How do sociologists try to define religion?
What it is or what is does
What are the 2 different ways of defining religion, defined by Bruce?
The substantive & functional definition
What is the substantive definition of religion?
Focuses on what religion is (the content)
What is the functional definition of religion?
Focuses on what religion does (the functions that religion provides to society & to the individual)
What does the substantive definition of religion include?
Belief in god & other supernatural beings
How does Weber define religion?
Involving a belief in the supernatural, that is some power above the forces of nature (cannot be explained scientifically)
What are the different features of religion?
EVALUATION: What is the strength of the substantive definition?
It conforms to the widespread of religion (ordinary people accept this view) & makes sociology accessible & understandable to the non sociologists
EVALUATION: What are 3 weaknesses of the substantive definition?
Too ethnocentric (heavily influenced by personal culture)
Excludes non-western religions which dont hold western ideas of God (e.g. Buddhism)
Excludes beliefs & practices that performs similar functions to religion but dont involve belief in God e.g football
Who defines religion in terms of its contribution to social integration & social solidarity rather than belief in the supernatural?
Why can football or music be accepted as a religion according to the functional definition of religion?
Because they encourage social integration & social cohesion
EVALUATION: What are the strengths of the functional definition of religion?
Helps to avoid ethnocentricity
It it inclusive (allows a wide range of beliefs & practices that performs similar functions functions e.g. integration)
EVALUATION: What are the weaknesses of the functional definition of religion?
Even if an institution helps to integrate individuals into a group it doesn’t make it a religion
Davie -> doesnt allow for the people that believe without belonging (e.g. people who pray in private)
Worsley -> biased towards a view that we need a moral system to guide our lives but some do manage to survive psychologically without religion
Why does it matter to define religion?
Will have a profound impact on conclusions of role & impact of religion in society
Affects secularisation debate (if one adopts more exclusive definition, religion appears to be declining BUT if inclusive definition is adapted, decline isnt apparent
What are 2 main problems with the functional definition of religion?
How do we explain social change
How do we deal with things that dont maintain social order
How does Hamilton criticise the functional definition to explain religion?
What people regard as sacred doesnt always command respect -> southern Italy (if a saint doesnt respond in the desired manner after repeated prayers then the statue may be attacked/replaced with another
What is an alternative view to the functional & substantive definition of religion?
The social constructionist view
What does the social constructionist view of religion argue?
We must focus on how members of society themselves define religion
No universal definition -> religion means different things to different people
Interested in how definitions are constructed, challenged & fought
AO2: What is an example of the social constructionist view of religion?
Scientology -> is a religion according to its followers but govts have denied it legal status
AO3: What is a strength with the social constructionist view of religion?
Allows sociologists to get close to the meanings people give to religion
AO3: What is a weakness with the social constructionist view of religion?
Impossible to generalise -> people have widely differing views on what counts as a religion