Belief And Teachings Of A Second Religion 2:1:6 Flashcards
The nature and importance of Pikuach Nefesh
- Judaism teaches that life is sacred and life is a gift from God: “see now that I myself am He! There is no God besides me. I put to death, and I bring to life” Deutronomy 32:39
- Jewish people believe that God is in control of his creation and whatever comes to life and dies is controlled may God: “Naked I come from my mothers womb, and naked I shall departs. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away” Job 2:21
-the sacredness and importance of human life is shown through the concept of pikuach nefesh which is the principle in Jewish law that the preservation of human life overrides almost all other religious considerations.
“Keep my decrees and laws, for the person who obeys them will live by them.” Levictius 18:5
What’s the law according to Polish nefesh
- When life is involved all Sabbath laws must be suspended to safeguard the health of the individual. A Jew is required to do this: “it is a religious precept to desecrate the sabbath for any person afflicted with an illness that may prove dangerous” Shulhan Arukh Orah Hayyium 328:2
- a person must do everything I. Their powe yo save the life of the other and can break Yom Kippur fast; and Kashrut rules and so on, it’s seen in the Talmud
Why is the concept of Pikuah Nefesh important for Jews today
Pikuah nefesh is important of medical ethics such as:
Abortion: sanctity of life permits abortion except for Pikuah nefesh where if the mothers life is at risk then it can be allowed.
Contraception: Orthodox Jews don’t allow for contraception as Torah dates male seeds are sacred. But to save Jewish lives of HIV/STD the mitzvah can be broken.
Transplant surgery: the mitzvah can break their rule on interfering with dead bodies (organ donation) if it saves the life of a living person