Belbin's team roles Flashcards
Completer finisher
Checks details, makes sure the team meets deadlines
Monitor evaluator
Checks the value and feasibility of the teams ideas and proposals. Is logical with clear objectives
Comes up with new ideas about how to achieve goals. A problem solver
Draws up schedules and plans to turn ideas into actual tasks. Enthusiastic and focused on results.
Team worker
Ensures harmony in a team by getting along with and supporting everybody, Strong interpersonal skills
Expert in their field, others can go to them for advice on particular issues
Resource investigator
Finds new contacts and opportunities
Natural leader who delegates appropriately. Confident and decisive person
sparks life into the team, pushes other members into action, not worried about upsetting others.
sparks life into the team, pushes other members into action, not worried about upsetting others.
Natural leader who delegates appropriately. Confident and decisive person
Finds new contacts and opportunities
Resource investigator
Expert in their field, others can go to them for advice on particular issues
Ensures harmony in a team by getting along with and supporting everybody, Strong interpersonal skills
team worker
Draws up schedules and plans to turn ideas into actual tasks. Enthusiastic and focused on results.