Behaviourist Approach Flashcards
Operant Conditioning
Learning through consequences of our actions
Positive Reinforcement
Stimulus presented to encourage the probibility of the behaviour occuring in the future
e.g. Giving a child a sticker for good behaviour
Negative Reinforcement
Stimulus removed but behaviour continues
e.g Giving a child a sweet to stop them crying
Positive Punishment
Stimulus presented and encourages the decrease in probibility of behaviour recurring
e.g. Getting detention for bad behaviour
Negative Punishment
Stimulus removed to decrease probibility of behaviour occuring again
e.g. Being grounded for being late home
Classical Conditioning
Learning through asssociation
Conduction on a study of the salivation response in dogs
Pavlov stimulus/response
Natural Stimulus: Bell
Unconditioned Stimulus: Food
Unconditioned Response: Salivation
Conditioned Stimulus: Bell association between bell and food
Conditioned Response: Salivation to bell
Social Learning Theory
Learning through observation, so would immidate the behaviour of authority figure/person they identify with if they witness them being rewarded (vicarious reinforcement)
Box that isolates subject from external environment, has behaviour indicator such as a lever or button.
When animal pushes button/lever, box delivers:
A positive reinforcement (food)
A punishment (shock)
Children more likely to immitate same sex adult because authority figure they identify with
Boys more aggressive than girls
Vicarious Reinforcement: Joy of playing with doll