Behaviourism Flashcards
Watson argued for a behaviourist approach to understand human behaviour, behaviourism is learning by association, another word for this is?
What is methodological/psychological behaviourism
explains human and animal behaviour in terms of environmental stimuli and learning histories
Describe Pavlovs dog experiment
Food (UCS) Salavation (UCR)
Tone (CS) Salavation (CR)
Acquisition = when a CR is established through conditioning
When does extinction happen in classical conditioning
reduction in CR (salavating)after several unreinforced presentations of CS (without the UCS)
When does spontaneous recovery happen in classical conditioning
the reappearance of an extinguished CR (salavating)after a prolonged absence of the CS (tone)
What is exposure therapy through classical conditioning used for
extinction of phobias
What is classical conditioning concerned with ?
Skinner uses operant conditioning, what is operant conditioning
- uses voluntary behaviours (as opposed to reflexes like classical)
instrumental learning, what is this?
behaviour is instrumental in bringing about a desired outcome
What is Thorndikes law of effect
behaviour with positive outcome will increase in frequency, behaviour with negative outcome will reduce in frequency
Describe skinners box
- if rats pressed the lever food will come
- lever pressing was reinforced
- if a punishment would occur if lever was pressed, then rats response frequency would decrease
What are the three components for operant conditioing
-antecedent condition (signal for a response)
- behaviour
- consequence
who said behaviour can be shaped and chained to very complex responses
What is positive reinforcement
- present pleasurable stimulus
- primary = immediate (sweet)
- secondary = delayed (gold star)
What is negative reinforcement
- withdrawing aversive (bad) stimulus when desired behaviour is shown
What is aversive punishment
present aversive stimulus
- e.g mum telling child off for negative behaviour.
What is response cost
withdraw pleasurable stimulus if response is not desireable