Behavioural treatments for phobias Flashcards
What are therapies based on
Classical and operant conditioning aiming to change specific behaviours
Behavioural therapy assumes
- phobias can be learnt by classical conditioning
- Phobias can be unlearned with a similar process
This can be through counter conditioning- learning a new response to replace the feared stimulus
Systematic desensitisation
- Clients taught relaxation techniques
- Client constructs a fear hierarchy
- Therapist and client confront each item in the hierarchy in a state of deep relaxation and can’t move on until they are unafraid in its presence.
Result of systematic desensitisation
clients have learned not to fear the object.
Strengths of systematic desensitisation
Gilroy found success in 42 pps- less fearful than control with arachnophobia
Capafons et al found in individuals with aerophobia they had lower fear than a control group
Limitations of SD
Symptom substitution may occur- the phobia could be substituted onto another object so counter-condition hasn’t worked.
What is flooding
directly exposes clients to the feared situation repeatedly to show there is no basis for their fear leading to extinction
Strengths of flooding
People with specific phobia can lose their fear after only 3 sessions of flooring (Marks)
It is cost effective as can often be treated in one session
Limitations of flooding
Ethically dubious, discomfort and no clear right to withdraw, you need to get full consent which can be harder for children. It has a high drop out rate for thsi reason.